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Hello all.

!WARNING! This edited version of the chapter contains spoilers for potential plot! Read at your own risk!

I've decided to move accounts, and as you may have read from the title, this is one of the books I've decided to discontinue, and here are a few of the reasons why:

1. The plot
I didn't really have an idea of a plot for this book (only that the reader and Foxy fell in love) and it was supposed to be a slow burn but to me it seems things are progressing a bit quickly. Also, in the description it says that this was inspired by another author, and looking back on this I feel like I'm completely leeching off their plot apart from a few character changes and much crappier writing.

Edit: looking back, I was definitely a bit hash on myself- my writing wasn't that crappy, and it was actually a sort of good slow burn for a first book! As for the plot part, I could definitely work on that lol

2. The characters
While I still like fnaf and the unique characters, the way that I've set them out (except Foxy) gives them the personality of cardboard boxes with Foxy only being slightly decorated. Sure, the others all played spotlight that one time, but I've also completely disregarded their canon personalities: KILLER ROBOTS. And oh, don't get me started on Foxy! He basically the short tempered bad boy with a soft spot for the reader, but that's about it. This also leads me onto my next point.

Edit: it's pretty easy to give something/someone a personality, so that was my fault. Also being a killer robot isn't a personality trait??

3. The romance in general
While thinking back on this book, I noticed that I had absolutely NO BUILDUP for Foxy and the reader (WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE-). Sure, they had a few sweet moments like spotlight and it's aftermath, playing knots and crosses, watching a horror movie, but that's it. They basically don't know anything about each other except their names, what they look like, what they are and who their friends with. That's it. Also, I realised I was shipping A ROBOT AND A HUMAN. On top of that, it's canon that the Funtimes are made out of melded endoskeletons of the original animatronics. Y'know, the ones that had CHILDREN'S SOULS?? Later on in the book, they were supposed to magically turn Foxy human but they would still reside inside of him. Basically I was shipping a robot with a human and then children's spirits with a human. What the hell was wrong with me??

Edit: "When a person dies, their spirit moves while remainders of their soul are left behind. This is called Remnant. Remnant is pretty much a sort of copy of the deceased's soul. Not a copy of the soul but just their soul that can't move on." ("What is remnant and when is it used?? |Fandom - Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki" I'll leave a screenshot/link when I edit this with my phone/laptop as I'm editing with my iPad atm). So while the Funtime animatronics, yes, might have some remnant of the original souls left inside them, since it isn't actually the souls and more just an afterimage left in the endos, and they aren't possessed by the remnant (except for Baby, but that's Liz's remnant and this isn't a C.B x reader), so as far as I'm aware this fic should still be fine. As for the "oMg I'vE mAgIcAlLy TuRnEd HuMaN" being somewhat caused by the remnants, it isn't possessing the Funtimes while turning them human, yes I know it might seem like they are, but in the chapter you can actually see the remnant, and they aren't communicating through the Funtimes or moving them around, so it isn't possessing them. And after the animatronics turn human, since there is no more animatronic parts for the remnants to remain in, they can move on and become one with their rightful spirits. As for the romance part: again, it was actually decent.

All in all, I really hate this book now, but there might be some of you who still somehow like it. So, you can either reply to this or message me if you want this book. I don't care what you do with it, you can restart and ditch my plot if you want, just take it from me. I'll update this when I've made my new account, which is where I'll be continuing some of my other books.

Edit: sorry folks who were interested, but I don't wanna give away this book anymore! If readers are interested, I'd actually like to revamp it.

However, I do want to thank and congratulate the people who actually read this- I dunno how you did it, but you did it. Thank you for the support you've all given me through this terrible book and I hope to see you all in the future :)

Edit: @jesterwashere is my new account :)

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