the cabin

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I was washing the dishes when julia came into the kitchen.
julia was my roommate and best friend. I've been living with her for a year now and when we met we instantly hit it off and become really good friends.
"y/n guess what"
I jumped a little because of the sudden noise "omg, you almost gave me a heart attack. what happened?"
"ally just sent me a photo of this cabin. we're gonna spend the weekend there."
ally was julia's girlfriend. she was a really romantic and sweet girl. and she made julia happy.
"woah that's a pretty big cabin!" I said while looking at the photo in julia's phone.
"I know! and this is our first getaway together."
"I'm excited for you." I smiled.
this meant I was going to have the house to myself for a few days so I was kinda happy.
"I'm gonna pack." julia said excited and ran upstairs to her room.
I finished washing the dishes and that's when I heard the doorbell.
I opened the door and there was dylan. julia's brother and my secret crush. and since he is here almost every day, we're pretty good friends. but I wish we were more than that.
"hey." i stepped aside so he could come in.
"hey what's up?"
"nothing. except that julia's gonna be gone for the weekend."
"really? where?"
"ally is taking her to this big cabin."
"that's nice."

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