Part 19: Adventure 2

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(A/N: Yapa finally finished a new chapter and I'm extremely sorry for the delay, you know I have a lot of school related work and I have to think more about build the world and plot in my story so I can' t release new chapters, hope all comrades understand)

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[Avolos / Wirier]

Third person POV

Wirier is a port city in the northeastern part of Avolos founded by immigration and exploration by the previous kings of kingdom of Avolus.

But it is not a developed province when their economy is quite normal and nothing outstanding partly due to the terrain as well as the limited potential of this eastern land.

Even the industrial potential of this land is unmatched compared to other areas of Avolos

This is a completely different area compared to other areas in Avolos territory for example the northern area contains a large amount of resource deposits.

The southern region is favorable in terms of river systems and fertile soil suitable for the national agricultural supply.

It was also the same place where the Avolos kingdom's important trading port was located in there

So life there was quite difficult for the people living there except the nobles of kingdom Avolos.

When the eastern market trade is backward compared to the west due to various problems

Also the location of the port is not favorable compared to those in the south of the Kingdom.

So the importance of the port in the northeast is reduced

But everything will change when the sudden appearance of the Russian Empire in this world.

So all Russian goods and trade will be concentrated in the eastern part of the kingdom

It is certain that in the future the Eastern region will grow and even surpass other parts of the territory.

But that's in the future...

Currently in the sea area under the control of kingdom of Avolos what we could see a small fritage of Navy Avolos patrolling in the sea.

At the observation tower on the Fritage, a sailor is looking around to check for anything unusual.

Sailor: Hmm?

A sailor spotted some dark shadows slowly appearing.

Seeing that something was wrong, the crew shouted loudly

R. Crew: Unidentified foreign object detected!

He said that surprised everyone on board and hurriedly prepared weapons on ship

R. Crew: Get in position now and ready the weapon!

R. Crew: Oh shit move now boy!

A crew on fritage talking to his friend on the move

Cannons is loaded, musket guns are being prepared, and swords have been brought out for melee combat

All the crew on ship are waiting for those mysterious ships to arrive

And when the mysterious ships approached, everyone was gaps and shocking when the ships were made is made by steel

Along with the enormous size of that ship

They have a strange flag on their ship which the sailors on the ship did not know clearly which country it came from.

But then an iron ship approximately and they used signal flags to notify the Fritage.

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