Part 5: The attack of Black Eagle p1

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(A/N: This is the next chapter in this story, hope everyone wakes up)

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[Nigreosland / Out of the Sea]

Third-person POV

Now outside the coast, a few wooden ships are patrolling the coast.

Ever since the expedition to the continent had failed miserably due to an unknown country strangely named "Russian Empire" so Marco had ordered that patrols of the eastern and northern coasts be increased.

Fearing that there would be a naval raid by the "Russians", Marco did not think that the barbarians would be able to build ships.

But that wrong prejudice will cause Nigreosland to suffer a lot of damage.

Now on a wooden schooner, we can see the sailors at work.

With that, the captain was preparing to eat his meal.

Captain: Finally got to my meal.

He said in a cheerful tone as he waited.

It could be said that thanks to his position as captain, the level of treatment was better than the others in the ship.

And meanwhile two crewmembers were talking to each other.

R. Sailor: Hey do you think those Russians will attack?

R. Sailor: Nah don't worry they're not capable of building ships.

Said the sailor, wiped his temples, and continued.

R. Sailor: Besides, if they can build ships, they'll probably be small ships, so don't worry too much.

R. Sailor: You're probably right, but I'm still worried that the iron dragons I heard from the survivors will cause damage to us.

R. Sailor: You worry too much about Wyvern, we will be invincible!!!

(A/N: Hahaha Raven go TRRRRRRRRRRR)

The sailor laughed.

But then the captain passed by and saw that someone was not working, he got angry and shouted.

Captain: It's about going to the worms or I'll drag you two into the sea to make fish food!

Then the two crewmen were startled and panicked at their hemorrhoids.

Captain: Sfff useless bunch...

He then went again.

R. Player: Damn I hate myself

The sailor said to his friend.

R. Guard: Me too, man.

R. Sailor: I wonder why he was appointed captain?

R. Sailor: I don't know but I have heard that he has a close relationship with the nobility.

R. Sailor: Really?

R. Sailor: That's right and we should get to work anyway or he'll kill us.

R. Sailor: Yes you are right.

Then the two started doing their own thing.

R. Sailor: Hey, do you notice that there's something in the sky?

R. Sailor: Oh yeah it's strange it's quite similar to dragons and why is it coming from the east.

Then they were all silent.

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