Part 3: Negotiate failure and run

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(A/N: Before starting the story, I would like to ask if I should adhere to the Geneva agreement in this story or not?)

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[Russian Empire / Moscow]

Third-person POV

Inside the camp of the force that is in Russia we will now see that the soldiers are eating, drinking, talking to each other.

R. Soldier: Hey, after this war, what will you do next?

A soldier asked his friend while standing on the observation tower.

R. Soldier: Mmm maybe I'll go back to my family after the war.

R. Soldier: Oh is that so? Do you have a family already?

The soldier replied in surprise.

R. Soldier: Oh yes that's right my friend that includes my dear wife and two young sons.

R. Soldier: Lucky for you, Sam!

R. Soldier: Hahaha yes yes that's lucky for me and I also plan that when the war is over I will come back and teach my kids to hunt.

The guard showed a light but cheerful smile.

R. Soldier: Do you think the natives here are a big threat?

R. Soldier: I'm not sure either, because as far as I've heard our scouts haven't detected creatures like orcs or goblins or a village at all.

R. Soldier: Strangely, I've heard that the continent is so teeming with life that it's so scary that even the superpowers don't dare to settle in and that even the holy kingdom of Britannia is shy about it.

Although there were no signs of any harmful creatures, they still had to be on guard because the great powers didn't dare to colonize this place, something must be wrong.

R. Soldiers of nigreosland: Anyway, I still believe that whatever the creature is, we will succeed in nigreosland.

The soldier couldn't help but say it proudly, but the other soldier couldn't help but feel suspicious about it.

R. Soldiers of nigreosland: God bless us anyway.

The soldier said as he clasped his hands in prayer.

Currently, inside the tent where Lord Marco and his knights were staying, they were discussing the plan to invade and settle here.

Marco: Didn't expect it to be so easy.

Marco said when the scout's reports showed that there was no sign of any creatures such as orcs, goblins and other harmful creatures.

It doesn't sound like a problem but Marco is looking for it as a slave.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find any tribes or human villages, so that annoyed Marco.

John: It's strange that even though we've searched thoroughly, we haven't found any living things.

The knight spoke to Marco who was sitting in his lavish chair and Marco gave a cheerful smile.

Marco: Looks like God helped me.

Marco showed a proud smile because as long as the harmful creatures were gone, colonizing this land would take half the pressure.

It must be known that he is a powerful lord belonging to a prestigious family as well as having great influence in the kingdom of Nigreosland thanks to his great military strength and a large amount of wealth through the trade of a solid stone. special named magic for nations.

[The new order]  Rise of new empire (Pause indefinitely)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat