Part 16: Last push of war

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(A/N: This is the next chapter hope you guys like it and I don't own any pictures other than the characters and the pictures I have and created)

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 [Nalcon Principality / Haron Capital]

 Third person POV

 A nation that has existed for thousands of years in the history of this world led by different clans of long ago.

 This country's former predecessor was one of the most powerful and rich in history

 Thanks to the powerful military potential with a strong standing army and the equipping of various Wyverns for war

 Along with a talented team of magicians and an abundance of high quality and abundant weapons and equipment

 Has made any force be afraid to fight this ancient country even though this country has a modest territory.

 But everything has changed since their former king's sudden departure led to a war for the succession of his children.

 And things went out of control leading to the downfall of this ancient country when the country was divided into different lords.

 The lords have long since built up an army of their own and waited for the time to rebel

 When the time came, they emerged and the power of the royal family is now gone

 It was a time that was considered to be a civil war between warlord clans

 They fought each other until 30 years later, they were exhausted and there a special lord emerged

 And united the country under his power and from there the duchy of Nalcon was born and was led by the duke Henry and his family

 From then on, the principality began to develop, restore the heavens and gradually build the country

 The Principality of Nalcon first met the first foreigners who came to their country.

 And when the first Britannia explorers discovered this land and they came here to explore and buy supplies

 To the merchants from Franceis and other countries of the North and South Sea continents coming to establish trade and exchange so that the people of the principality of Nalcon know how big the world is.

 Along with strange and interesting goods that caught the attention of the family of the principality of Nalcon

 And it is the members of the other principality who perceive the threat and potential of the outside world

 Britannians, Franceis and Dutches are kinda sus.

 When a few members of the duchy family realized that these new countries were quite dangerous for their country and clan

 So they tried to adapt to this new condition by agreeing to open up to outside trade

 Start trying to "westernize" their country, economy and military

 Thanks to the abundant resources on the island, industrialization is also quite favorable

 As well as finding surrounding countries to exchange and develop their own economy

 And it seems to have been of great help to their country as the living standards of the people in the territory gradually improved.

 In terms of foreign affairs, the Principality of Nalcon has always maintained its neutral stance for many years

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