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Morning came by fast and everyone was awake for breakfast. They greeted each other and ate their food. 'What's the plan today?' asked Izumi as she hug Izuku still feeling sleepy. Izuku who patted her head playing with her hair said 'Probably just sit around or maybe we could go somewhere fun. I don't know. I don't really have a plan today not gonna lie' Izumi sulked and bury her face deeper unto Izuku as ge pulls her up to his chest. 'Maybe we could go to the mall? I mean we need school supplies as well.' Toga spoked as school is around the corner. 'Great idea. Then we shall go to the mall later' said Izuku.

'Nii-san~' whined Izumi. 'Mm?' hummed Izuku. 'Can I sleep on you please?' she asked. 'Well isn't that what you're doing right now babygirl?' Izuku said. 'Just wanna make sure you're okay with it. Plus you're super comfortable' Izumi said blusing from the new name he gave his sister. 'Sleep bbg, you look exhausted. I'll wake you up when we're gonna leave.' said Izuku. Not even 1 minutes passed and Izumi was knocked out. Izuku pulled her up to his chest as she was sliding down. Everyone awed at their siblings bond. Sasuke and Katsuki came to side at both Izuku's and Izumi's side. The others sat on the floor around them as they started talking. 'How long did you took off for?' Katsuki asked Aizawa. 'Till the entrance exam.' Aizawa answered. 'Isn't that like too long of some shit? How bout your pay?' Katsuki asked getting a little worried. Aizawa chuckled, came to sit beside Katsuki. 'Worried? It's okay. Nezu knows that I'm taking care of you guys. So my pay still remain the same.' said Aizawa. 'Thank god' said Izuku.

'Shiggy nii-san, if you don't mind me asking this. Are you sure none of the LOV are alive?' Izuku asked. 'Positive' the trio spoked. 'Mm I'm just worried that they'll attack our family.' spoked Izuku. Dabi patted Izuku's fluffy head. 'Sokay lil bro. Even id they do, they can't touch us. The Uchiha' s are with us am I right?' asked Dabi as the Uchiha's nodded.' If they dare touch our family, they're a dead meat' Mikoto spoked and Fugaku nodded. Izuku smiled. 'Welp wanna watch a movie while the time passes?' Toga suggested hearing 'Sure' as a response. She went to turn on any movies that are interesting. They watched as a family. Izumi shifted a little but got comfy after Izuku played with her hair as she bury her face into Izuku's neck, hands around him. Izuku rubbed her back comforting her as he knew she's having a slight nightmare.

Time passed by fast and it's time for them to go to the mall. 'Wake up babygirl.' Izuku wakes Izumi up as she rubbed her eyes. 'Go get ready. We're going to the mall' she nodded and asked for Izuku to carry her up to her room as she's lazy to walk. He chuckled and carried her and walked to her room. Katsuki and Sasuke following behind as they wanted to get ready before going as well. He placed her down and walked to his shared room. 'Lazy day today hm?' Katsuki asked. 'Hn there's nothing to do today. Like I'm lazy to do anything To be honest.' spoked Izuku. 'Same here' Sasuke spoke. 'Go shower you fuckass stop being lazy hmph' pouted Katsuki. 'Got it boss' Sasuke said being the first to shower as the other both got their clothes ready. 'What do we need to buy again?' Izuku asked. 'School stuff and some groceries just in case' Katsuki said. 'Ah yes indeed.' They waitwd for Sasuke to come out. Izuku went to hug Katsuki from the back 'How do you smell good when you haven't even took a bath yet?' Izuku asked planting his face on Katsuki's back taking adeep breath. 'To be honest, I don't know myself.' he said. 'Mm makes me wanna drink caramel now.' Izuku said. 'We canbuy you caramel drink later if you want' Sasuke said as he came out from the shower. 'Really?? Thanks!' said Izuku as he ran to shower.

Everyone was downstairs as they made sure they got what they needed. 'Let's goooo' Toga said as she ran to the car. 'Careful Toga-Chan don't fall.' Mikoto said. Izumi was on Izuku's back as he piggyback her. They went in the car. Two separate cars if I'd say. With Izuku, there's Katsuki, Sasuke, Izumi, Aizawa, Itachi and himself. The other car we have Dabi, Toga, Shiggy, Mikoto and Fugaku. They drove to the mall while they talked during the car ride. Izumi is taking a tons of pics with Izuku as she wanna edit them saying how she have the best brother in the world. Sasuke and Katsuki joined it cause they thought its fun. They made funny faces as Aizawa and Itachi is trying to hold in their laughter. 'This is cool. You know Izumi, you can start a YouTube vlog you know. We wouldn't mind that.' Izuku said to his sister as she's on his lap. 'REALLY? But I don't have a vlog camera plus it's not cheap. I mean i can film it on my phone for now' Izumi said. 'We'll we're going to get you a vlog camera once we getthe school supplies and groceries. No no's as an answer.' Izuku said. 'You're mean and nice at the same time' said Izumi.

They arrived at the mall and got out of the car. They walked in and went to school supplies store go buy as they need to buy the trio's their stuff too. (They wouldn't be writing with their bloods lmfao.) They choose what they needed. 'Well today's supplies are on us' Mikoto said and Fugaku nodded earning 'Thanks and Thank you so much' from the teenagers. They brought the items to the counter and Both parents swiped their cards paying for them. So now they're walking to the grocery store to get some extra foods. Next they went to McDonald's to eat. They ate happily and went to the last store, the camera store. Izumi was excited to get her new camera for the vlog. Oh Izuku is so gonna get her famous. They walked in and Izuku asked one of the workers 'Hey erh, what's your best camera for vlogging?' 'Ah yes it's right here sir. Follow me' they followed him and he showed them all the camera's. 'This one's pretty.' Izumi said. Guess she found what she wanted. 'We'll get what she picks' the worker nodded and they paid for the camera. 'Thank you so much nii-san' Izumi said hugging

As they walked out from the store, they all saw someone whom they do not wish to see.

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