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"Deku?/Izuku?/Izu nii-san?"

The calls of his name tensed him, Katsuki and his sister up. Izumi started to get nervous sending Izuku a sorry look. He went to Izumi and hugged her "it's okay. It's not your fault. I'm not letting them hurt you." Izuku said letting go of Izumi facing the one's that called his name. "If yall are here to beat me up, then leave. I have to time to entertain a wannabe hero's like you three. " Izuku said sternly slightly scaring the three. Sasuke and Katsuki smirk being proud of their Izuku standing up for himself.

As Izuku's group started to leave one by one, Katsumi decided to say something "De-Izuku look" "look what? Stop me so you can beat me up? No thanks. I don't need your kindness for anything after what you and your little pups done." Izuku said making them feel bad. "T-then what about Izumi?" Shoka asked. "Izumi is out of this. She's my sister and I can't bring to hate her all the time. So don't you dare bring my sister into this matter. She apologized in her own will. Not you three. Now if you will excuse me, my family and I needs to go. Hope to never see you three again" Izuku said sending them a sickening smile.

Izumi smiled at Izuku noticing how protective is he when it comes to her. She went to him and hugged him as they walked away from the group. She jumped on Izuku's back wanting him to piggyback so he places his hands on her thighs preventing her to fall. Sasuke and Katsuki walks at Izuku's left and right as if they we're excorts. The ex villians followed along (I'm just gonna call them trio) same goes to Aizawa, Nezu and Itachi who's talking among themselves.

When they arrived home

They all saw Inko waiting outside for them. Izumi ran up to her and hugged her. Izuku went to her and asked her "mama? What's up? Weren't you supposed to be working?" Izuku asked. "Ah I need to talk to you about something. Same goes to the trio there or you know what? I'll just talk to everyone." Inko said confusing herself making Izumi laugh. "Aight aight come in then" Izuku said opening the door for everyone go to inside. Aizawa went straight to the couch and plopped there. Itachi went to him ajd plopped on top of him and Nezu just sat on both of them.

Once everyone is seated Aizawa, Itachi and Nezu still in same position as they we're lazy to get up so they stayed in whatever position they're in. "Okay so here's what I'm going to say but before I say I wanna ask but you'll have to answer me this okay? Inko said looking at the trio. The trio nodded their head."Aight so you wanted to be a Hero again right?" they nodded. "Do you felt guilty being a villian?" they nodded. "Okay I'll let you guys and Nezu talk later but now I'm telling you three this. Izuku knows aboyt this already." Inko takes a deep breath "I'm adopting you three." The trio looked at her wide watery eyes. "w-wait. I-s this tr-true?" Little Himiko asked. "well why would I lie about it?" Inko said taking out three adoption papers showing them that its not fake.

The trio jumped and hug her crying their eyes out. Everyone else joined in. Inko cried as well feeling happy that they're officially part of the family now. They all broke the hug and Izuku said "Now you're part of an Uchiha. So your names will be Toga Uchiha, Touya Uchiha, Tomura Uchiha. Cool?" Izuku questioned them. They shook their heads and went to Izuku to hug him. Izuku hugged back whispering to them "Welcome to the family my sister and brothers." The trio just cried harder and hugging him tighter.

"We're gonna be overprotective of you so don't blame us if we do. But thank you for taking us in as your new siblings." Touya said as they break the hug from Izuku. "Everyone is a Uchiha now. It makes me wanna freaking become one too." Katsuki said earning a playful smack on his arm from Inko. "Well when you boys get married maybe you could use his name not yours." Inko teased Katsuki and Sasuke making them blush.

Time skipped

As you can see now Sasuke is having a bath while both Izuku and Katsuki is cuddling on the bed talking. "Kacchan?" Izuku asked. "Hn?" Katsuki replied getting used to the Uchiha language. "Do you think 'they' will enter UA too?" Izuku asked. "Izu, even if they do I won't let them lay a single fucking finger on you. They can try if they wanna die." Katsuki said sternly. "Thank you Kacchan. I'll do the same to you and Sasuke. If they or even anyone touches you, I'm gonna kill em." Izuku said almost activating his sharingan.

"Same fucking energy lets fucking go!" Katsuki said throwing Izuku up. "Kacchan!!" Izuku said laughing as he was thrown. As they calmed down, Izuku got up and walked to the balcony and stood there feeling the breeze. Katsuki walked behind him and hugged him from behind resting his chin on Izuku's hair feeling the breeze with Izuku. "Hn Nice whether today." Izuku said. "Yeah it is." Katsuki said. He turn Izuku around and kissed the top of he's head while Izuku hugged Katsuki.

Izuku looked up to Katsuki, Katsuki doing the same to Izuku. Both leaning towards each other. Closer and closer looking at each other's eyes. Katsuki places his lips on Izuku's and Izuku kissed back. They shared a passionate kiss and broke apart as they were out of oxygen. "Wow. That was hot as fuck" Sasuke said appearing out of nowhere scaring them both "BABY where the fuck you came from?" Katsuki said "I was here when y'all went to the balcony. I just stood here silently watching you both. So now where's mine?" Sasuke said crossing his arms.

Izuku was the first to go up to Sasuke wrapping his arms around Sasuke kissing him while Katsuki did the same. The three hugged for awhile the broke it and went downstairs as if nothing had happened.

"So any plans today?" Inko asked. "No but we can go to the beach. It wont be many people there today so it's not too packed." Mikoto said. "So should we go?" Inko asked everyone. No one answered till Izuku said "Sure! It's not like we have anything to do anyways." and the others just nodded their heads. "Should we name them the Izuku protection squad?" Inko asked. Fugaku, Aizawa, Mikoto and Nezu just nodded their heads. "Cool. New Izu protection squad lets go." Inko said making everyone laugh. They packed all their belongings and drove to the beach.


(Yoo so as you can see, I made a new cover and it looked fresh asf. So if you want to use it, text me and I'll send it to you but ofc credits me :33. Hope you enjoy this chapter.)


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