12 | Away

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Welcome back, everyone. Sorry for the slow updates. I was applying to medical school, which was long and trying. But now that that is over, I wanted to announce a schedule for updates for this book which will be every Saturday. I hope you haven't lost interest in this book, but I am back now and excited to continue Matthew and Hannah's story. I hope you are excited as well!!

(please don't forget to vote. thank you so much for all the support)


"My heart's like a war zone, landmines everywhere. Careful where you step, you could hurt someone"

~ Madness (Wild Blue)


Matthew and I continued to have breakfast as if nothing had happened between us. And much to my disappointment, he hasn't kissed me since that day. It was a week later. Every morning, I expected him to bend down and give me another intoxicating kiss. And every morning, he would just smile and give me a hug instead. I knew I could reach up and kiss him myself as I'd done for our first kiss. The thing is, I wasn't even sure he wanted to kiss me anymore. I had been clear when I told him I was okay with him still kissing me. Maybe he didn't want to push the weird box I'd put us in.

I let out a frustrated sigh, pushing away my laptop and putting my hair up in a ponytail. I spent the day holed up in my room, finishing up homework and working on other projects. That was my plan for the day until Matthew's game starts. He was at his away game. The game was supposed to be later in the evening. We didn't have cable so I couldn't watch it, but I planned on following the score online.

My eyes fell back down to my laptop, staring at the screen, wishing I hadn't added so much to my plate this semester. My senior year had started off a lot busier than I had expected. I almost wanted to curse my Spring junior self for adding so much to my plate.

Before I could waste any more time overthinking, I returned my thoughts to my history paper. Seconds later, Chloe knocked on my door. "Hey, Han?"

I blinked, looking up from my laptop. "Yeah?"

She opened the door, taking a step inside. "Garrett and I were going to watch a movie. Want to join us?"

"Oh, no. You guys should have some alone time."

In response, she squinted her eyes at me. "Let me rephrase that. You should stop working and come join us for a movie."

I couldn't help the chuckle that left me. "Is that an order?"

"Absolutely." She nodded. "Now get off your ass." Then she turned and walked away, leaving my door gaping open. She knew how much that would annoy me.

I didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. The response I got was a low growl from my stomach, announcing its hunger. I sighed, realizing I should take a break and relax. I closed my books and laptop before shuffling off my bed. I put on my slippers, grabbed my phone, and made my way out of my room.

I unlocked my phone, seeing that Matthew has still not texted me. Well, he let me know they'd arrived safely and I'd told him good luck this morning. Other than that though, it has been silent today. We have yet to talk on the phone since that day we kissed. It's like he's been pulling away, keeping me at an arm's length. I couldn't even blame him, because I had told him to wait. He was respecting my wishes.

Letting out a mutter of frustration, I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of cereal before heading to the living room where I could hear Chloe and Garrett laughing.

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