4 | Semantics

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"This paper town has let me down too many times...I thought that I could trust you, never mind...I guess I'm too naive to read the signs"

~ Real Friends (CAMILA)


How were the cherry tomatoes?

I smirked at Matthew's text. This was my last class of the day and it was almost over. My professor was going on and on about Article 2 of the constitution. I wasn't particularly listening. Senioritis was hitting me hard and I was ready to leave college. I would probably win the Olympics in track-and-field with how fast I would run out of here if I was told I'm graduating early.

I shot off a text to Matthew without being too obvious. Dr. Carson freaked whenever he saw phones in class. He was sweet, but old school; electronics were his enemy. Plus, I didn't want to get on his bad side.

I'll admit they were good.

Told you I never disappoint.

Haha. You know, you losing this Friday will negate your statement.

Are you implying we're going to lose?

Obviously. There's no way the ice can carry both teams when you and your ego are on it, too.

Rude. That was mean.

Truth hurts.

Not when it is false. My ego is regular-sized, thank you very much.

??? That doesn't sound like a statement a guy should make.

First of all, get your head out of the gutter. Secondly, there is nothing bad about being regularly sized.

Oh really?

You're like 5'4", the epitome of average. Should you be judging?

How rude.

Truth hurts.


Now that I've won this ridiculous argument, when do you want me to bring you the tickets?

Around 3 is fine. But I'd prefer we met at a cafe or something.

Sure, if that makes you more comfortable.

It does.

Then it sounds good to me. Text me which cafe and I'll see you there.

How does Sheeps and Goats sound? They have the best coffee on campus.

I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but as long as they have something to eat, I'm good.

They do. You'll like it.

Oh really?

Yeah. Trust me, I never disappoint.

I could almost see him smiling and shaking his head at me. Very funny. Shouldn't you be paying attention to class?

I sent him an eye-rolling emoji, but couldn't help the smile that pulled at my lips. I placed my phone back in my bag, deciding to listen to Matthew and pay attention. I know he was only kidding, but I really did need to listen. I was paying the school anyway.

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