11 | Dozen

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"I want every single piece of you. I want your heaven and your oceans too. Treat me soft but touch me cruel. I wanna teach you things you never knew"

~ I Miss You (25)


Hannah kissed me.

Fuck, she was still kissing me.

The thought kicked me into gear and I didn't hesitate to act. I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her against my body.

She went flush against me, placing her hands on my shoulders. My lips moved in sync with hers, easily finding a rhythm. Heat flooded my veins and invaded my thoughts as she kissed me back. I brought one of my hands up to the back of her head and ran my fingers through her hair. Grasping near the roots, I pulled her head back and slightly to the side for better access. She moaned, leaning more into the kiss. My thumb touched under her chin, leaning her head back further. I put my everything into the kiss, all of my feelings, my confusion, and my abundantly clear need for her. When she let out a whimper, I pulled away. While I didn't care who saw, I knew she did. And with the noises she was making, we were bound to get caught soon. I caught her eyes when she slowly opened them. They were glazed over and I almost stopped breathing at the sight.

"Now that was..." she trailed off, biting on her now plumper bottom lip.

I couldn't prevent the stupid grin that split my lips if I tried. "I know."

She closed her eyes again, leaning her forehead against mine. A small groan of frustration left her lips. "I have to get to class in ten minutes."

"How far away is it?"

"Two-minute walk at most." She then opened her eyes and leaned back. "Attendance is not mandatory."

"Do you always go, though, regardless of the policy?"

She lightly bit on her bottom lip, nodding.

"Then, you're not skipping just to be with me. When do you have some free time?"

She was about to respond when a small ringing of her phone interrupted her. She pulled her hands away, frantically pulling out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans to shut it off. She looked at me with wide eyes. "That's my alarm for my next class." Putting her phone back in her back pocket, she gave me a shyer smile. "Sorry I jumped you."

The wide grin I wore was unstoppable as I tightened my grip on her waist. "Never apologize for doing that. Never."

"I don't know what came over me," she shook her head, looking stunned at herself. 

I pushed the small bit of hair that fell over her face behind her ear. "Whatever it was, I am grateful for it. I've been wanting to do that for a while now."

Shock washed over her eyes and she blinked up at me repeatedly. "You have?"

I nodded.

"Why didn't you?"

My eyes fell back down to her lips, wondering if I could sneak in another kiss, before wandering up to her eyes once more. "I wanted to wait until you were comfortable with me. I didn't want to rush and push you away."

A small gust of air escaped her and she stared at me in what seemed like wonder. It took her a longer second to respond and when she did, her voice was softer. "Thank you," she finally said warmly.

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