"Was she correct?" Daun asks.

"Yes. She perfectly described everything. Later, I found the soccer player. He had sworn he had seen her once like a ghost, a spirit, as if she had already died. However, the other in the hospital was no longer there. After some questioning, the man was his best friend and had already died on cancer. No matter what we did, she wouldn't wake up anymore. We later decided to spare her as her body slowly rotted without her soul."

"Why are you telling me this?" Daun asks.

"She had soul travel like you Ms. Lee. I knew from the start when you talked about your dreams of playing around with children and how they grew with you. I knew then, that you have the same soul bound with my sister."

"B-but... I only remember the children... I... they are were so hazy." Daun asks confused as she looks around her seven. True. Daun's dreams are not that vivid like her sister's dreams.

"I did something about that. I had to." Mrs. Song admits.

"Wait... You mean you hypnotized Daun or something to make everything hazy?" Namjoon quickly grasps what she means. His tone is a bit angry and confused.

"Yes. As I told you. I had to - " Mrs. Song says.

"To save her?" Yoongi finishes her statement.

"Your sister's body rotted without her soul... what do you mean by that?" Jimin interjects.

"Soul travel is very dangerous to the bearer of such soul bound. I know people would say I am crazy for they had thought that it doesn't exist. It's so rare, but it does. It's just also hard to diagnose such soul bound if the person is secretive about herself or himself. Besides, who to ask if the person is asleep? A body without a soul is just a corpse. It would leave the person in a sleep state but as time goes by, the body starts to rot. Not unless the bearer would be touched by his or her soulmate."

"Like sleeping beauty?" Jungkook scoffs.

"Yes... In fact, I call this sleeping beauty syndrome." Mrs. Song casually responds, very much professional. "To think of it, how come a story such as that becomes a folk tale? Don't you think there is some kind of a truth in there?" Her eyes squint to the unbelieving Jungkook.

Chills run down to Daun's spine.

"So... the suppressants... what's with those?" Jimin inquires.

"To stop her soul from travelling."

"Why? She could have seen the seven of us and everything would be easy." Jungkook asks hurt, still can't grasp anything that Mrs. Song said.

"Nothing is easy Mr. Jeon. At that time, we didn't know who you were. We only knew that there were seven of you. Souls could be lost in the void of the soul corridors. She might see you... but it's not a guarantee that her soul would come back to her body. If that happens, her body will be left without a soul and would eventually rot and dies."

"The suppressants... How do you know that it would work?" Yoongi asks as he grits his teeth.

"We didn't, but we had to try." She whispers.

"We?" Daun inquires. "Were you referring to other people? Did someone know what you did?"

Mrs. Song sighs. "You were still underage Ms. Lee. I had to call your guardian about it."

"Uncle knew?" Daun asks in pain. She trusted her uncle so much. Yet, he had betrayed her as well.

"Mr. Inoue also knows about it."

"Papa?" She is much confused. "As if he cared." She mumbles.

"Mr. Inoue is just a man full of guilt and hurt. Sure, he has violent tendencies. He had done something in his bound that he didn't suppose to. Your father loves you Ms. Lee. In fact, he would still call about you. He always asks about you." Ms. Song tries to reach out for Daun's hand but she would recoil from it.

'Is this why Mrs. Song would always call me? Was she asking for papa's sake?'

"Why did he approve then?" Daun chocked in her question.

"I can't disclose anything about the struggles of Mr. Inoue Ms. Lee. You have to ask him yourself. All I can say that, he was afraid to lose you just like your mother who was suspected to be a soul traveler like you. He instructed me to do everything what I could do and even allowed me access in his pharmaceutical company. That's where I got your suppressants that I had to mask as depressants."

Daun starts to sniff. The truth and the horror are just too much.

"What do you think happened the other night?" Jin asks, swerving the conversation back to what is recent and more important. "You said that she has Soul travel? How come she flickered?"

"I have a theory. You were away from each other for too long. Her soul yearning was too much that her soul had to search for you. Good thing that the seven of you are always together, or her soul would be lost finding each of you, one by one. With such yearning, and since you had already established your soul bounds, her body was pulled with her soul."

"Is that still dangerous as the sleeping beauty syndrome that you had mentioned?" Namjoon seriously inquires. His brows tight and his jaw gritting.

"Yes. I think so." Mrs. Song sighs and leans her back on the chair. "Our souls are already mature even when we were newly born. The type of soul bound is already itched in our DNA. The soul only waits for the body to mature to take its effect. If the body is not meant to flicker, then it is not meant to flicker. If my theory is true, then, you couldn't let Daun's soul travel once again. She should not be far away from you for too long. Next time, we don't know, her body might not be pulled with her soul anymore." She explains.


"So, you have to stay with us always, sweet." Hoseok whispers to her as he kneels in front of her, while holding her good hand. "Hey... why are you crying?"

She can't say anything with everything that she had known. The truth is indeed terrifying yet she is more terrified now. Terrified of leaving them behind because her soul is lost with the void. That explains why she had been so afraid of that dream. It had been reoccurring on their absence. What if a time would come and she would be trapped in that vast nothingness forever? What if she wouldn't wake up and see them again? What will happen to them?

The hurt of thinking of her hurting them so much is much worse than being in pain herself.

"Hey, sweetheart." Taehyung hushes her as she sobs unknowingly. Her heart is heavy of the thought of not seeing them anymore.

"We won't let that happen, Daun-ah." Yoongi gingerly says as he lovingly holds her shaking shoulders. "We make sure that we always see each other."

"We will be staying as long as forever. You will be with us forever." Jungkook soothes as he touches her head. He too is afraid. She can hear the desperation in his voice.

"Shhhh... come on. We are always here. We won't be away anymore." Taehyung gently soothes her as he encloses her tight to his embrace.

She breathes deeper and looks at the silly boxy smile of her Tae Tae and looks up and sees the gentle smiles of the others. A small bud of happiness now sways into a gentle bloom. Yet before it could fully open as a beautiful flower of hope and love, it is nipped and the bud bends helplessly on its stalk. She has to suppress the water on her eyes to spill again as her eye's lands to one with a forlorn face. It worries her more. The person can't even meet her own gaze.

She wants to inquire on the shadow that looms his face. Yet, she is afraid to even say a whisper even his name.

"Hyung?" Yoongi faces the man. Yet instead of saying something, he just turns back and walks away from the rest of them.

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