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Looking up from having tied a bow behind you with the thin and long silk straps attached to a beautiful silk dress, you sighed in content. Its color was like the sea under a bright moonlight, which faded from navy to a pastel azure each time you took a step under any sort of lighting. The dress reached your ankles, yet it had a deep lash that started from your left thigh, revealing your black lace up heels; the laces being tied on your upper calves.

As you enjoyed your last few moments to yourself, you ran a hand through your bleached golden and straightened hair, then threw your head back, freeing you face from them and its burnt smell. You patted down onto your dress, trying to straighten yourself up to the very last detail. You needed to look perfect.

You needed this night to be perfect.

A sudden loud knock on the door had you snapping your face towards the door behind you, suddenly finding your hair to be right back near your face.
Without needing a response, your friends barged through the door, bearing both gifts and loud squeals.

"There's the girl of the night!"

Alejandra, an exemplary example of a ginger warrior goddess with a bittersweet character, walked up to you. She gave you clear signs of admiration towards your look before engulfing you in a hug, squealing right next to your ear. You broke your huge smile to wince slightly at the pitch sounds that were suddenly all around you.

Before you could even fully pull back, Theresa, the natural blondie with clear eyes goodie-goodie that has a twist, had snatched your hand to get a clear look at the size of the stone. She started jumping and letting out sounds only a dog would hear almost immediately after a glance.

"Woah, look at the size of that thing!" You hadn't noticed when exactly the she-devil, Meredith, had gotten behind you, she was peeking over your shoulder, her dyed red hair making contact with your shoulder. You let out a laugh, glancing directly into her forest green eyes.

You would be lying if you said that when you first met them, you weren't intimidated by their looks and strong characters.

Hearing the door open once more, you looked past Alejandra in time to see your best friend since childhood, Viola, walking through the door. As soon as your eyes met hers, you felt yourself immediately relax. With a courteous nod, you walked past the girls and into your best friend's arms. She held you tightly, exaggerating a squeeze every few seconds.

"You look so amazing. You're amazing."

You smiled into the hug, a genuine smile.

"I'm glad you could make it."

When you had first been adopted at just a few months old and moved into a different state with your mother, she was your neighbor's one year old daughter and first real friend. The two of you literally grew up together in every sense. You both experienced all of your firsts with the other there ready to hear about it. First awards, first spelling bee, first debates, first boyfriends, first kisses (you both agreed practicing kissing with each other didn't count as a first kiss), first time having sex, first time falling in love, first time crying for love, and now, the first -and hopefully your last- time getting married.

You pulled back from the hug, your hand never leaving her shoulder as you turned towards your friends of a few months.

"Ladies, this is Viola, I've known her since before I could walk. She lives in Vegas now, working a sweet hosting and bartending gig. She's also a sort of cop... intern? In training?"

Fault In Loving - Taehyung x Reader (BTS KTH)Where stories live. Discover now