bucky x reader - nosebleed

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Content Warnings/Kinks: slut-shaming, violence (not during sex), dominance, hickeys, nipple play, finger sucking, cum swallowing, light edging, sub/dom dynamic (collaring), daddy kink, praise kink, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex


"Man, you're dumb letting your girl out of the house in that outfit" a man slurred from the alleyway beside the club they were on their way to.

Bucky stilled, his hand tensing where it was placed on the small of Y/n's back.

"Bucky don't-" Y/n started.

"Move" he growled, his words harsh, a no-nonsense command.

She hesitated, on one hand, the guy was being rude but on the other, he was just a stupid asshole...did he really deserve to be beaten up by a super soldier just because of one comment? No, Y/n decided at that moment, she didn't deserve to be slut-shamed and if Bucky wanted to make sure that man never said something vile to another woman then so be it. She pulled herself up and moved aside, nodding at Bucky as she did, indicating that he could get violent.

Y/n turned, looking away as she heard Bucky's first blow landing and the man's groan of pain in response.

"Please" the man begged, "I didn't do anything"

"You didn't do anything?" She heard Bucky chuckle darkly, "You don't count slut-shaming women as doing something asshole?"

"Fuck man" he groaned, "I didn't mean it I swear"

Bucky punched him again. Hard.

"Yeah fucking right"

Y/n turned just in time to see Bucky lift the man up off of the ground and slam him against the wall.

"Owwww" the man howled.

"Bucky," Y/n said quietly.

His gaze flicked toward her, steel blue eyes turned almost grey with anger. Her eyes widened at the sight of his bleeding nose, the other man must have gotten a good punch in.

"Let's go home" she added, "He's not worth it"

"Yea man listen to your girl" the man choked out.

Bucky dropped him, letting go of his collar and turning toward Y/n, taking her hand.

"Fucking crazy" the man mumbled under his breath.

Bucky snapped, turning back around and punching the guy so hard he fell onto the ground, knocked out.

"Now we can go" Bucky growled.


Y/n and Bucky walked into Zemo's apartment. It was late so the two other men were already in bed. Bucky gripped Y/n's hand, squeezing it, before asking:

"Can you help me get cleaned up?"

"Sure" she smiled before leading him to the en-suite bathroom in her room.

Bucky balanced himself against the edge of the sink, leaning back, squinting down at Y/n. She wet a towel and started to mop up the wound on his face that would surely leave a bruise the next morning.

"You know I didn't need you to defend me tonight" Y/n sighed as she blotted the blood away.

"I know Y/n but I can't just let people say that kind of thing about you" he sighed.

"My knight in shining armour" she chuckled dryly.

"I'm no knight Y/n" he grumbled as she dabbed under his nose.

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