Pep talk, Persuasion and Plan

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The Pups were all inside the lookout, resting from an exciting game.

Chase kept his gaze on the Cockapoo, but making it unnoticeable. Marshall came from the Kitchen, finished eating.

He sat down next his best friend, he was looking forward to make a conversation with him. "Chase." He called out to him. He looked at the Shepherd, stuck in a trance. He looked where he was, he was looking at the Cockapoo, talking with the Greyhound. 

Marshall started to remember what he said to them, he started to chuckle. "Chase," He said, shaking his shoulder. Chase snaps out of his trance and looks at the dally. "Hey, Marsh." He said, laying on his back, looking up to the ceiling.

"Now that things finally calmed down," Marshall said, making his paw circle on the ground. "Maybe you can tell Skye how you feel." 

Chase whipped his head to the dally, and started to panic. "W-What? I have no idea what you're talking about." Chase said with a stutter. "Chase, Remember 5 months ago, you told me, then the other pups. It's alright." Marshall said, comforting the Shepherd.

Chase sighed and looked back up. "I don't know Marsh, why would she like me?" He asked. Marshall frowned looking at him. 

"Dude, how could she not." Marshall said, poking his shoulder. Chase looked over to him. 

"You are one of bravest people here, you got her out from a burning building like it was nothing," Marshall said. "If she doesn't I don't know what's wrong with her." 

Chase chuckled, and rolled his eyes playfully. 

"Anybody else could of done that." Chase said, sitting up. Marshall stood up and dragged the Shepherd outside.

"Look, I don't know what is telling you not to tell her, but shut that voice up and do it. You never know until you try." Marshall said, glaring at the Shepherd. 

Chase scratched his head, and sat down. He looked up to the sky, painted blue with the white clouds, scattered all around. 

Chase looked back down to the dally, his arms were crossed. "So?" Marshall asked.

"I might have an Idea." Chase said with a smile. Marshall as well smiled and his tail wagged. "What do I have to do to help." Marshall asked. 

"Keep her distracted, I might need some help though." Chase said, looking inside. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Distract her long enough so I can tell the others the plan."

Marshall nodded. 

"What is the plan?" He asked. Chase whispered in his ear and Marshall started to smirk. "You sly dog." Marshall said, as Chase smiled back. 

"Alright, go." Chase said, Marshall nodded and rushed into the lookout.

"Skye, I need you're help with something down in the town!" Marshall said, running to her. Skye looked at him and nodded. "Let's go!" She said, running out the lookout, down to the decline of the hill. 

Marshall ran after her, trying to catch up.

Chase walked in, and they could feel something was up.

"Pups." Chase called to them. They all looked at him. "What's up?" Zuma asked. Chase started to get hesitant.

"I need your guys help." Chase said, looking at them. "Should we call Marshall and Sky-"

"NO, no, no no." Chase said, stopping the Greyhound. She narrowed her eyes at him. "I need help with." He cleared his throat. "Love problems."

They all smirked at him. "What do you need us to do." Zuma asked, interested. 

"I have a plan." Chase said.


They all looked at the Elevator, Ryder walking out. "Hey pups!" He greeted. 

"Chase needs our help." Rocky said, immediately. Ryder looked at Chase, he nodded. "What's up?" He asked. 

"He has Love problems, and he has a plan." Liberty explained. Ryder smiled as well. "What is this, "Plan?"" Ryder air quoted. 

Marshall was running in front of the Cockapoo, running along the town, looking for something to do. "Marshall, what exactly did you want my help with?" Skye asked.

"Pups! Over here!"

They looked to the Mayor, she was under a tree, with Chickaletta on a branch. They run over to her, ready to help.

"Hello Mayor Goodway!" Marshall said, "Hello Marshall and Skye, I need help with Chickaletta, she flew up there, and I'm worried my little chicky, is scared." She said, obvious she was the one scared.

"Don't worry, we can help you!" Marshall said, looking back at the Lookout. "I'll get my firetruck!" He said, running off to the lookout.

Beep, Beep!

He looked down to his pup tag, Ryder on the call. "Hey Marshall, we need for you to keep Skye away from Mr. Porter's. We're coming over to get something." He said, Marshall's eyes widdned. 

He whipped his head behind him to the Cockapoo, comforting the Mayor. He looked back down to Ryder. 

"Skye!" He called out. Skye turned his way. "Why not you come with me?" He asked. Skye shrugged her shoulders and ran to the dally. Marshall quickly turned off his call with Ryder before she arrived. 

"Alright, let's go!" Skye said, surpassing the Dally. They ran thru the town, running across the Red bridge and up the hill. 

Marshall jumped into his firetruck, and Skye jumped in the passenger seat. 

Marshall started his Firetruck, he looked to his left. Chase helping Zuma carry a table to the back. They completely stopped, and store at the Dally. 

"WHY, not we head out now." Marshall said, Skye nodded her head and looked up. 

They started to rush back into the lookout, Marshall drove to the decline of the hill, driving down. 

Marshall deeply sighed to himself, looking ahead. "What?" Skye asked, Marshall looked behind him, to the Cockapoo, briefly. 

"Nothing." He said, in a quick breath. 

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