Hiding Masters.

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Chase and Marshall both walk back into the lookout where the other pups were, talking and laughing. "Oh and Chase." Marshall said looking at him. "Yes buddy?" Chase said sitting down next to his friend. "Who was that song for?" Marshall asked, lilting his head. 

He starts to look around, anxiously. "I-I.." Chase said trying to get an excuse. Skye then runs up to the both of them, smiling. "Come on, let's go play some hide and seek!" Skye said, running back to the others. 

'She really saved you.' One of the imaginary Chases said. "Come on!' Chase said avoiding the comment They both went to the other pups who were preparing to play. He stood next to Skye, "Thank you." He whispered to her. 

She smiled and looked up at him. "I couldn't just leave you hanging'." She said, smiling. 

"Alright pups. 3..2..1" Rubble counted down. "Not it!" They all say, all but Rocky. "Aw man." He said, looking a little disappointed. "Alright, close your eyes and count!" Marshall says, running away. Rocky started to count as the pups all rushed to different hiding spots. 

Skye follow Chase who had rode the Elevator down to the Basement. "Where should we hide?" Skye whispered, entering the warm basement. He started to look around, he then pointed to a cabinet that could hold them both.

"Over there!" Chase said, sprinting over to it. He opened it up, empty. And also could fit 3 pups. "Come on." Chase opened the door, Skye walked inside, it was dark, but surprisingly clean. 

She walked in and made space for him to walk in as well. She leaned her head onto the wooden wall of the cabinet. She closed her eyes, "Don't you feel calm right now." Skye said, Chase smiled and closed his eyes as well. 

"Yup." Chase said, Silence. 

After a few minutes, they've gotten bored. 

"What type of movies do you like?" Chase asked, opening up his right eye and looking at her. "I like romance movies." Skye said, sitting up straight and opening up her eyes. "What's your favorite Romance Movie?" Chase asked, opening up both of his eyes. 

"Lady and The Tramp." She said smiling at him. "That's nice." He said smiling at her. "Did you live somewhere else before Adventure Bay?" Chase asks, looking at her Magenta eyes sparkling in such a dark place.

"Yeah. " Skye says, running her paw against the wooden wall of the cabinet. "What was it like?" Chase asks, getting more and more interested in her past. "It was quiet, and boring." Skye giggle softly. 

"But. I like it alot more here. It's has so much to explore." Skye said entusaticly. She inches closer to Chase. "That's nice." Chase said, smiling at her. 

He then heard something. Footsteps.

Chase gestured her to be quiet, Skye was confused but kept quiet. He put his ear to the door, talking. "Where are they?" He heard Rocky say to somebody. "I don't know, Dude!" Zuma responds. The footsteps got louder and louder. 

"Check in that Cabinet, Rocky!" Chase and Skye looked at each other, worried. They didn't want to stop talking, nor stop being together. Alone.

Chase pulled Skye closer, and where she was, the cabinet door opened. Skye held her mouth closes, as well as Chase. Rocky was about to turn his head to the other side, where they were. The light of the outside shined bright in the dark cabinet. 

"Rocky!" Zuma called out. "Yeah?" Rocky called back out, turning his head back to Zuma. "Marshall said he thinks he found them." Rocky pulled his head back out and closed the cabinet door behind him. 

Chase and Skye looked at each other, holding in their laughs. "Oh my, you are very good at picking hiding spots." Skye said looking up at Chase with a smile, he smiled back down. Still holding Skye to his chest. 

She relaxed her head onto his chest and sighed. "I wonder how long it is going to take them to find us." Skye said looking at the other side where she was. Both of their hearts were beating out of control. 

"Same." Chase said, he hopped it was long. They both sat their, in each other's embrace. 

The doors slowly open, both of them this time. The both leave each other Embrace. They see a brown haired boy open up the cabinets wide, and starts to smile. 

"Guys, I found them!" Ryder called out, Skye and Chase laugh awkwardly. The look at the door, and the rest of the pups come from the door. "I just checked there!" Rocky said, walking up to the cabinet. 

"Have you been there for the WHOLE GAME?" Marshall asks, in disbelief. "Yes." They both answer in sync. "You guys are the master at hiding." Zuma said, Chase and Skye both laugh looking at their friends as well as Ryder. 

"Alright, come on pups." Ryder stood back up and walked to the door, Chase and Skye both walk out the cabinet and stretch.

Ryder holds the door open and watches all his pups walk thru into the Elevator. He walks after them both and they all ride up the Elevator. The elevator then stops on the second floor.

"When did we start anyway?" Chase says, walking out the elevator looking at the pups. Rocky then looks at the clock on the wall. "A whole hour ago." Rocky says, in complete shock. 

"Wow, a whole hour in there." Skye says looking down then looking back up at Chase. "Like I said, Masters At Hiding." Zuma repeats, earning laughs.

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