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Skye ran out of the forest, to the lookout. She ran up the hill, and into her open pup house. She closed the door behind her. Her eyes filled with tears, she started to weep. She started to Cry over her dead parent, her dead sister. 

Her family..Gone

Sometimes she could still hear her sister, laughing, and calling her. She put her head into her pillow, slowly making it damp with tears. She was glad the two men who killed them, were now going to be put in prison...But, she was angry, angry at the two men who killed them. But mostly angry at herself for raging on them, even though they had killed them. 

She slowly lifted her head up from her pillow, she sat against the metal walls of her lookout. She turned her head to her clock. She could sit there and do nothing for hours, apon hours of time. Grieving over their death. She couldn't let them go. But deep inside she knew she had to.

She could still hear the gunshots being fired, it rang in her ear, over, and over, and over again. Their laugh. She could still see a vivid image of their dead bodies. She reached over and took out a small picture frame. It was her and her family, when she was young.

"Hey guys..I made my promise." She said, weakly smiling at the picture. A tear drops onto it. "I got the people who murdered you." She said, dimly. More tear drops follow onto the glass frame. She hugged it tight. She felt like she was in her embrace of her family again. 

She does this everytime she feels like she just needs a extra boost for the day.


She looked back at her clock, it had been 30 whole minutes. She put away the frame and opened the door to a German Shepherd, "Skye, tell me what happened back there." Chase said, sitting down In front of the door. She walked closer to him and hugged him.

"Ok." She whispered. 

She pulled away from the hug and looked at his comforting smile. She took a deep breath and sighed. 

"I don't really like talking about this but...Way Before I joined the Paw Patrol. It was just me My parents and my younger sibling, Amber. We all used to have so much fun. My Sister and I loved exploring, we  used to always be out and about, doing crazy adventures with each other." Skye said, a small smile started but faded quickly. 

"But,..one time when were out for a picnic. My sister asked my Parents if we could, explore the forest. They said yes and we went out and left, not thinking much about it. But as we were playing, we..heard a Gunshot." Skye said, hesitantly. "A-And we went back to got Check up on our P-Parents b-but when we got there they.." Skye started to shake her head preventing her from crying. 

"A-And we..A-And we saw them..Motionless on the ground..and we tried to run  but..W-We couldn't. W-We just sat there and cried. T-They turned our way and dragged us where our parents had been shot...and they..and.." Skye said trying to get the words out. "A-And they shot my little sister In front of me." Skye started to tear up, she was warmly embraced with a hug from Chase. 

"I'm sorry." Chase said, hugging Skye. "I-It's fine." Skye said hugging back. They stayed like that for awhile, until they broke apart. "Thank you." Skye said, weakly smiling at the German Shepherd. 

"Anytime." He smiled back. "I'm going to go get something to eat." Skye got up and wiped her tears, before leaving she kissed his cheek. Chase watches as the Cockapoo walks into the lookout, his heart racing. 

"I love you so much." He says to himself. "But I wish I could tell you." Chase said, putting his paw to his chest. He sighs, he gets up and walks inside as well. 

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