One laughing Next

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Her eyes slowly flutter open. She was in a almost dark room, nothing surrounding her. Just darkness. "Why did you take me." She semi-Yelled. "That Young Cockapoo, is confidencial." Somebody Fimlar, the voice.

Her face dropped as she watched two men walk out from the shadows. The same men who "Killed" her family. "Why are you doing this to me?!" She said, shaking the bars of metal the kept her in that prison.

"Like I said. You're Family. KILLED. My Father." The first one said, pointing to the two of them. "Actually, it our father, Oliver." The second one said, keeping his eyes locked onto Skye. "I know that, William." Oliver said, flicking William's head.

"And what are you going to do with me." Skye asked sitting down. "We, are going to just let you sit here, and do absolutely nothing." William said, smirking. Oliver then turned on the lights, almost blinding.

"Oh and." William lifted his hand, that was covered by a glove. Something the cawed in a distance. Oliver opened up the door and a Eagle flew in and landed on his arm.

"E-Eagles?!" Skye said, backing away. "Oops, was that your biggest fear! I forgot." Oliver said, sarcastically. "This little buddy will stay with you for awhile!" William said, putting the Eagle next to Skye's cage. It cawed loud, making Skye yip in fear and rush to the other side.

"Have a good day!" Oliver said, walking out of the room. "To bad you on't." William said, before exiting the room.

They closed the metal doors behind them, leaving the room with her and the eagle. She shyly looked to the eagle, smiling weakly as she backed away from it.

"Nice. Eagle." She said, softly. The eagle jumped up, flying away from her cage, leaving her alone. She took deep breaths, sighing as her chest puffed in and out.

She slowly descended to the metal ground of the cage, groaning as she rubbed her face. 

She felt the warm embrace from her sister. She slowly closed her eyes, picturing herself with her when they were back home. They ran thru the forest, running after each other, as they dodge branches and twigs, that could potentially hurt them.

Her tail wagged slowly as a small smile appeared on her face. She clutched her paw in her other, as her smile grew. 


She jumped, hitting her head on the top of the bars of the cage. The cage then started to lean backwards.

She fell on her back to the wall of the bars, then, falling over. 


She was face first onto the hard metal bars as the cage was on it's side, on the floor. 

"Ow." She muttered. She slowly lifted up her head, to looking upwards. The Eagle then landed on the other side of the cage, facing upwards. 

She slapped her paw over her muzzle as she stared dead cold into it's eyes. The Eagle looked down to her, putting it's beak thru the bars. It then shot it's head up, pushing off the bars to fly away.

She pulled herself closer as she kept her eyes on the eagle, flying around the room. She felt herself start to hiccup as she kept her eyes locked to it. Circling around the room.

She felt her arm hit something on her neck. She slowly looked down to her collar, her heart goes rapid, as her eyes glistened.

She jumped up to the top of the cage. Looking thru the bars. Barely, she could see the door, closed. 

"Not even a whole day, and I found a way to leave this place." She said, jumping down to her feet. "Where this place is." She said, rolling her eyes.

Her ear twitched as she heard the metal door open. She listened as footsteps got closer and closer to her. Clicking every step.

She looked up to Oliver, soon, bending down and picking up the cage. He scoffed, as he put the cage on the middle of the stool.

"Don't make me have to come back in here." He threatened, pointing to her. Skye nodded her head, backing to the other side of the cage. The Eagle kept circling around her cage from above as it kept flapping it's wings Repeatedly.

She looked to Oliver, laughing as he walked away from her cage. She mimicked him internally, as she softly scoffed. He opened up the metal doors, walking thru, and disappearing from her view.

"I'm going to be the one laughing next." Skye muttered. A Sinister smile then grew on her face as she looked up to the eagle. She giggled nervously as her smile dropped. 

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