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A Week Passed

The pups were playing outside, but Chase and Marshall were walking around the lookout, talking with each other. "So, how are you doing Chase?" Marshall asks, looking at him. "I'm doing great what about you?" Chase asks, looking back at him.

"I'm doing just fine." Marshall says with a smile. "I'm glad the town recovered, well. Mayor Goodway recovered from last week." Chase said looking down at the town. "I am too." marshall says, looking at the town as well. "It must be scary being held at gunpoint." Marshall says, looking back at Chase. Chase then remembers what Skye had told him a week in advanced, his smile drops for a second but quickly regains life.

"It must be." Chase says, still looking down at the town. They both stop and watch the others playing tag with each other in the yard. Chase then fixes his eyes to Skye, running around playing. "You want to go out and walk about the town, Chase?" Marshall asks, nudging his slightly.

"Chase?" Marshall calls out again. Chase quickly shakes out of his thoughts and looks back at Marshall. "Sure, let's go." Chase said standing up and walking to the decline of the hill.

"Hey! Where you guys going?" Skye asks, watching them walk down the hill. "We're just going to go to the town to walk!" Marshall responds back, walking backwards. "Alright, be back soon!" Skye calls back out, continuing to play.

"Come on." Marshall says, starting to run to the town. Chase quickly catches up to him, smiling. they run over the bridge, to the quiet town. It was so quiet, they could hear the waves crash along side the shore on the beach. The walk down the sidewalk, looking at the beautiful scenery. Chase takes a deep breath of the fresh air. He looks up at the blue, beautiful sky. 

Everything reminded him of Skye. He looked around and say vivid memories of him and Skye. He looks down at the beach and smiles, it was perfect in their town. "Nice isn't it?" Marshall says, snapping Chase out of his thoughts. 

"It really is." Chase agrees looking back at Marshall. They both loved their town, and the people in it. Even with its Crazy adventures. No wonder it's called "Adventure Bay". 

Their pups tags then beeped. "Paw Patrol, to the Lookout!" They heard Ryder call from the other side. "Ryder needs us!" Chase and Marshall say in sync. They both start to rush back to the lookout. 

They run over the bridge, up the hill and into the Elevator. Marshall, being his usual clumsy self crashed into the pups. They all laugh as they ride up the Elevator.

They all jump into positions. "Paw Patrol, Ready For action Ryder..Sir?" Chase looked at all the pups, they weren't in uniforms. "Thanks for coming pups. I just gotten a call from Mayor Goodway." Ryder said, putting her up onto the TV.

"Hey Mayor Goodway!" The pups all greet in sync. "Hello pups!" She greets back with a wave. "I have just called the Current Mayor of Adventure city, and told them about you brave act to save Adventure Bay from armed men." Mayor Goodway smiled at the pups. " And they want to give you metals for that." The pus all then howled in excitement. 

"They said they will be holding a ceremony at Adventure City, next week." Mayor Goodway finished. "So that's why I've decided we need to head out now before the Highway is to backed up." Ryder says, looking at his pups. 

The pups continue to howl in excitement, all but Chase. Skye notices him being the only one who was quiet, Mayor Goodway waves goodbye as the call ended. Chase had some bad..times with Adventure City, he still does hate it, and even more now since he had to save Ryder. 

"Chase?" Skye calls out, he shakes himself out of his thoughts and looks at her. "Are you..Alright?" She asks him, he gently nods his head. "I'm doing fine." He responds  back, with a smile. 

Skye felt something was off even though he had said he was fine. "Alright pups, let's get packing." Ryder says with a smile. The all ride back down the Elevator, and rush to their pup houses, and for Ryder his room, to pack. 

Chase watches the pups rush to their houses, he sighs. "Alright." Chase said to himself. He rushes out the lookout to his pup house. He opens his door, and gets out a suitcase. He starts to pack all the essentials.  

He opens up his drawer, and sees a picture frame, holding Skye in it. He gently grabs it and looks over it. "Yup." He puts it into his suitcase, and closes it. He looks up at his ceiling, "I did it once. I can do it again." He encouraged himself. "It's just..a.Ceremony." He said closing his eyes. 

He bangs his head onto his pup house's metal walls. "It's fine." He said to himself. He took deep breaths to himself. 


He looks to his door, and opens it. "You ready?" Marshall said with a smile. "Yup." Chase says grabbing his suitcase. 

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