Her bed was so soft too so surely that would be nice for her. "So, I'm going give her an IV for some extra fluids since her fever has drained most of the water in her system and she seems to be dehydrated." The doctor spoke once Bella was upstairs, carried by Angelo.

He proceeded to do as he said, "And an oxygen mask because her breathing is a bit irregular."

"She has asthma." I said. It hadn't been mentioned before it ought to be said.

"Mmm, that makes sense." Yet again he did what he said he'd do and took out a mask and oxygen.

My baby. My bambina looked so small on her big bed with an IV in her arm and a mask over her face. I hated it. I bet she'd hate it too. In the little time I have got to know her, I realised some small details about her preferences.

She doesn't appreciate physical contact that much.

She's not the biggest fan of eye contact.

Very shy.

And generally scared of people. Like nervous to be around them or be near anyone new to her.

It had been a good ten minutes before Bella woke up. She looked confused so I rushed to her side from where I was sitting on her desk chair.

She blinked and tried sitting up but that wasn't a good idea considering she's still sick and should rest for a while. "Stay laying down, hun. No need to get up, you're fine now." I comforted her. My brothers stayed silently observing her but Rome had gone earlier.

Her head shook, saying 'no'. "I need to get- get up." She says groggily. "Where am I? Who are you? I wanna go h-home. Let me go home-" Panic was written all over her face as she sat up.

Her breathing picked up before it suddenly stopped. She was half way to fully sitting then she fell backwards onto her bed again.

~Third person~

Bella woke up with a start, unable to register what was going on. Questions filled her mind and she spoke them aloud without a sense of understanding.

She desperately wanted to go home because she could see that she was in fact not there. Even if 'home' was not the nicest, it was the only place she knew. The girl had her familiarties with that place and not here or what she could remember of here.

Once sitting up a bit, Bella fell back down. She ended up going limp and numb and scared more. She lost control of all her senses to make it worse. The thumping in her ears was the single reminder that she was alive and not imagining this.

Her heartbeat.

That would always be a reminder for her. Her being awake, not asleep during a bad dream. Because aren't you supposed to be asleep during a nightmare? Not able to feel the things that you normally would when conscious. Unable to taste the fear on your tongue. The reality creeping up your spine, slowly; mockingly.

The terrifing thoughts left to linger- walk through your mind. Left unsupervised. Dangerously unsupervised.

The panic sets in almost immediately, making it hard to breath sometimes- scratch that, everytime.

Because aren't you supposed to be asleep during a nightmare?

Bella lost her sight at the last second prior to darkness taking over. Her body convulsed after twitching, indiscreetly. The jerks her limbs made alerted Elijah and the doctor beside her that she was seizing.

"Elijah! Do something!" Leo shouted, worried about the sudden change in his sister's state.

The medic frantically removed the mask from her nose and mouth, and needle from her arm. Both things highly dangerous to Bella's wellbeing.

Elijah ignored his brother, tending to Bella whilst the doc did the same. "Pillow. There we go." The doctor said as he helped Elijah move the soft pillow to under Bella's head when she was flat on her side. She laid in the middle of the bed with enough room to go through her episode without hurting herself.

The doctor had already got a timer going. The second eldest brother then turned to his brothers, still holding onto the little girl gently. His hand laid firmly on her hip, ensuring her balance was stable and airway clear.

"She's having a seizure. Don't panic, she is okay but it's horrible to see her like this." He smiled weakly at the rest of the brothers that remained in the room.

They nodded wearily, watching their sorella with sympathetic eyes.

Bella's movements were violent and uncontrolled. "She's having a tonic-clonic seizure." The doctor informed the people spectating the scene. Elijah nodded in agreement, smoothing his sister's hair away from her face.

The young girl made grunts which sounded strained. Her eyes were fluttering open and closed, unable to focus on any one thing. The closest brother, besides Elijah, moved towards her bed. Leonardo hesitantly knelt down at the head of the bed. His hand hovered over Bella's head, wanting to comfort her but not interfere with her seizure.

"It's okay, you can touch her, Leo." Elijah nodded his head in Leo's direction, giving him permission to do what he wanted.

The nineteen year old did as he desired and caressed the girl's cheek, after his brother moved his own hand away from her hair. Bella's movements slowed and finally came to a stop. The brothers all sighed in relief and the doctor moved closer again. Leo moved away to give the two people with the most medical knowledge room to tend to his sister.

"She's fine for now, but I'd like to go to the hospital for a CT scan. This is her first seizure right? She hasn't got a medical record of epilepsy?" The doctor questioned.

"No record and there's no need to transfere to a hospital. I've already had a scan taken only yesterday, early this morning. I should get the results later today or hopefully sooner." Elijah anounced, also informing his siblings.

The physician put the oxygen mask back on the teenager's face. "Fair enough."

I'm so thankful for the 200 views even though it may seem small, I'm very happy!!

And please comment on mistakes or typos


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