Chapter 5: Save him

Start from the beginning

"It's all Game Over now~"

I immediately rushed and used my capture gear in an attempt to capture it but it got blocked and wrapped to it's hand instead. It pulled it's hand with the gear but I managed to let go just in time. It sill greeted me with a punch on my face anyways. It was too fast for me but that isn't a reason to give up. If I had a speed quirk, I'd probably win  this fight already long ago.

I kept my quirk on while fighting it, it was more of a one-sided beating. Sent slashes everywhere, it couldn't keep up with my speed, I didn't train for no reason. I thought it's quirk is strength enhancement, turns out it also had healing? And also, I thought I erased it's quirk? I did my best in avoiding it's attacks and continued sending punches, jabs and kicks here and there. Nothing. There's no effect. Not even a bruise.

I darted my knife to it's right eye and it successfully hit the target. It screamed in pain but when it pulled the knife, it's immediately regenerated back to before. Ugh. Now I lost my knife.

I again tried to use my capture gear but this time, I aimed for the head. My plan is to pull it down and knee it. It instead grabbed it and pulled me as I didn't let go that time, which was a huge mistake.

It held my arm, twisted it in the wrong way and pinned me face down to the ground. Then, it grabbed my head and slammed it multiple times.. shucks. I can feel my consciousness fading and red started covering my view. That was until I heard some very familiar explosions.

"Ughh what is it this time!"

"That must be the student that tried to attack me earlier."

"That's a useless attempt but I love it~~"

"Oh shut up! You psycho."

"YOU shut up Dabi-nii! You're starting to piss me off! Do it again and I won't stitch your wounds anymore."

"Your blood definitely failed to give you the talent that runs down to the family. You call that stitching? You literally used literal stapler to fix my skin! Even the doctor facepalmed when he saw your work. He had to redo it all again and I didn't even give you permission to fix it. He had to teach you from the basics just so you won't suck my blood on the process."

" You... You were awake that time..? Ehehe, erm.. "

" Ughhhhh!! Pup, go and restrain Eraser. And Nomu, go to that kid that's now making his way here and kill him."

"Ugh- no!" The guy placed his hand on my elbow as I felt a sudden stinging pain. My skin! It's disintegrating! It must be his quirk. I tried erasing his quirk but I just got slammed to the ground again.

"You don't have a say on this Eraser. I'll admit, you were cool, but you're still a hinder to my plans. You're just an NPC anyways, no body cares. "

'Puppet' then went towards me and restrained my twisted arms with something similar to my capture gear but colored black and seemed to be much more stronger. Where did it came from anyways, there's no pockets.. As he held my head, he whispered (inaudibly) to me.


Stay still and pretend.

What..? The pain... suddenly, all of it was gone. How... It was like back to normal.. I still see a bit of red and can't feel my elbow. It's like a blanket was draped over me... It's warm.. Is this his quirk? But why is he helping me.. I can feel myself fading but not to the blood loss but.. from the relaxation. My tense muscles started to relax, like sleeping but awake.. This is my dream rest.

"P-...p-pre..tend" he whispered (inaudibly) again. It bought me out of my thoughts as I followed and pretended to be hurt while watching the fight of my problem child.... He's fighting a lot of villains.. I helped him secretly by using my quirk and erasing the quirks of the attacking opponents.


~~~current time~~~

That... Is gruesome.. Problem child, I'll book you therapy sessions from Hound Dog. The blue haired guy is so pissed right now. Hah, you deserved it. My problem child is much more stronger than most think.

Problem child held a proud grin, as if he was proud that he did that bloody mess. That was until he saw me.

"...why.." Why did you come here! You should've went straight to the entrance!!

I heard the door burst open and that familiar annoying signature statement- of a certain someone that I definitely wouldn't scold after all of this- rang out.

"... I.. AM HERE."

It grabbed the attention of the villains. Alas, this is and will be a long day. But why am I feeling something cool on my wounds..? When I get the chance, I'll take a closer look to this 'Puppet'. I really want coffee right now, I'm not paid enough for this.


Handyman :p

This is trash, but I'm still gonna continue this anyways.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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