Mic paced around his room, loud joints doing what they do best, making noise. While Aizawa watched him with a bored expression. "Y/n, my sweet melody, they're replacing me, Sho! What can I do? What did I do wrong?"

"Calm down, you're not being replaced but I don't like that thing either. Why is this happening?" Asked Sho while growling, "it's their fault..." Mic replied, his eyes came to life then. "Our Y/n would never do something so cruel without them forcing their will onto our darling."

"You're right, Zashi."

"We have to protect Y/n...and I have a plan." Mic looked down at Shouta, they nodded to each other. Sho quickly left the basement, going off on his own personal mission, while Hiza started on his. It was hard staying away from you, hiding when you called out to him and keeping himself unseen. However, it had to be done.

Three days passed slowly, each day you felt more miserable. Mechanical fingers worked quickly, fixing its owner's body. Every day Shouta stopped by with new parts and to give updates on your so-called friends. Their movements were needed and only Aizawa could pull off that part of their plan. On the fourth day, Hizashi felt much better, he could move around much more now, his limbs moved fluently.

During the fourth night, Yamada snuck out of the house. That's when he saw Ash attempting to persuade you into letting them warm your bed. Mic's oil felt like it was boiling. "Don't worry our Y/n is strong, they won't give in or give up. I'll keep watch over them, it's your turn to go now." Nodding at the much smaller male, the blond wrapped himself up in an old cloak and left.

Getting to his destination was much easier and faster with the upgrades that Aizawa grabbed for him. Sneaking into the first house, Hiza made sure to avoid the cameras and security bots. Hatred and love motivated his actions. Looming over the sleeping frame of the first victim, the blond smirks, purposely making noise to wake them up.

Their eyes opened to see a horrifying sight, attempting to scream, their tongue was grabbed and ripped out. "You're too loud. God, just shut up." Mocked the bot, grinning like a manic as his victim heard his actual voice. "You thought I couldn't speak, that I couldn't understand or feel things, you were wrong." Yamada watched with sadistic glee as Y/n's former friend slowly bled out.

At the next house, things went much smoother, since they didn't have any high-tech security, which meant Mic could really enjoy himself. Breaking in without a care in the world, taking great joy in their bloody screams as he skins them. Pulling off each finger and toenail then finger, toes. Taking them apart much like humans do to outdated robots, joint by joint, piece by piece. Keeping only the good parts, which in this case was none.

Coming back home, after cleaning up, and deleting the recordings they had thanks to that stupid robot. Mic looked around for that damn Ash, the pleasure bot that your former friends had brought you as a sick joke. Keeping to the shadows of the house, greenish-yellow and red eyes watched as you marched back to your room and slammed the door. Now was the time to strike.

Ash didn't see it coming, how could they? They weren't built for security, they were built for spying, seduction, being a fuck toy, nothing more. So when Hizashi crept into the house with all the tools he'd need to dismantle Ash, there was nothing the other bot could do.

Back in the basement, Aizawa and Yamada looked over Ash's parts, deciding on what to keep and what to give away. "I don't want any of it. I don't want that thing being a part of me or touching our Y/n ever again."

"That's understandable, maybe we can trade the parts for other things we need."

"Good idea, Sho. I'll handle that, you keep our beloved company."

MHA/BNHA Stories.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora