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*2 weeks later*

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*2 weeks later*

It had been a few days since you went to the hospital. Everything was healing nicely, and you had to go in for another check-in soon.

Other than that, you and Vinnie hadn't stopped fighting since the day after you got back. After you went to sleep, he rudely woke up by snatching Hera from you causing her to claw him "Ow! Dude, I was looking all over for her!"

"You act like I can control where she goes!"

Everyone in the house was annoyed, they thought your bickering was over but boy were they wrong. You had spent most of the time in your room since you were too annoyed to see any of the other hype house members.

Not to mention everyone was still pissed off at you for the restaurant incident. You have been thinking a lot since you really had nothing else to do. You hadn't been to work in a while, you decided to go in later tonight since that's when you make the best tips.


☀︎︎ Y/n Pov

I walked into my room adjusting my skirt; I wore a tight miniskirt with a black sparkly tank top that showed off my tits perfectly. I zipped up my high heel boots before grabbing my purse, I walked into the hallway and down the stairwell then into the kitchen where some people were.

I grabbed my lip-gloss out of my purse putting some. "Where are you going dressed all fancy?" I looked up in the direction of the voice. "Work, Michelle called me in today so I'm probably going to be working late."

Jett nodded his head; you glanced over to Vinnie who was already racking his eyes up and down your figure. "Well, I better get going! Don't want to be late!"

Vinnie got up "Let me give you a ride..." grabbing his keys "I'm actually good, I'm going to take my car." You grinned

"Since when did you get a car?'

"Yesterday, Jett didn't tell you?" My eyes followed Vinnies to Jett's face. "Oops, I must have forgotten!" Jett laughed looking back down at his phone

"Thanks for the offer though!" I turned on my heels walking out to my car. I had bought a black dodge charger; I had been saving up tips for months now and when I finally had enough, I went straight to the dealership.

I grabbed the keys from my purse, putting them into the ignition. The car made a roaring noise before it smoothed out "What a beauty" I smiled putting the car into drive

I looked over to the window seeing Vinnie and Jett standing in the window. I waved goodbye driving off down the driveway.


I walked into the breakroom putting my stuff next to Nailea's "Y/N!!!" I felt soft arms wrap around my waist squeezing me half to death "Careful on the ribs Nai!"

"Whoops sorry, I missed you!"

She let go of your waist letting you turn around giving you a proper hug "I missed you too!"

"Nailea & Y/n to the bar please" The intercom rang through the room "Guess we better get to work!" You nodded walking out to the bar.

Two hours later, the club was packed. It usually wasn't this busy on a Wednesday night, but you weren't complaining, you were getting really good tips.

"A mimosa for the Ladie, A whiskey for you" I grinned placing down the drinks in front of the couple "Thanks so much, you guys' really busy tonight?"

"Yeah, it's never been this busy in the middle of the week!" The couple laughed "Well good luck."

"Thanks, enjoy your drinks let me know if you need anything else!" I grabbed the tray off the table, walking a few tables down to the group who had been patiently waiting. I cleared my throat "Hi! My name is y/n I'll be your server tonight is there anything I can get you to start you off?" I tried my best to yell over the blaring music; I knew I wasn't going to have very much of a voice by the end of the night.

"Can we get the nacho appetizer!" I nodded my head "Anything else?"

"Just some waters" I nodded again walking off to the bar putting their order in. "How are you doing pretty lady?" You poured yourself a drink taking a sip "Pretty good, nobody is really at the bar today." Nai took a sip of your drink placing it back on the counter.

"Well other than jerry down there." Jerry was a regular, he was a sweet old man who always got a few beers and then finished the night off with a Shirly temple. "How you are doing over their Jerry!" He smiled giving two thumbs up taking a swig of his beer.


It was now closing time. Mostly everyone had left by now except jerry. He took one last sip of his Shirly temple before placing 200 bucks on the table "Thanks, split that between you two ladies"

Nai handed you the other 100 after shoving her 100 in her pocket "See you tomorrow, Jerry!" I laughed waving back as he walked out of the bar. Nai and I walked into the back grabbing our things "How's your new car?"

"It's so nice!" She threw her purse over her shoulder waiting for me to grab everything before we walked out "Night Michelle!"

"Night!" She yelled from her office. Nai held the door for you as you two walked out "Thank you m'lady" She giggled following you out to the parking lot. "See you, tomorrow babe!" Nai started her car driving off.


A part of you liked driving at night, it was a lot more peaceful than during the day. You turned onto the highway putting your lights brighter as it began to rain. You sped up as you continued to drive down the narrow road.

You felt your car go over something then your car began to slow down. You pulled over getting out of the car covering your face from the rain. You turned on your phone flashlight; your tire had gotten punctured by something on the road. You had a spare but no clue how to change a tire.

It was extremely dark, you always hated going down this road at night, it was a lot scarier. The only thing surrounding you was miles of woods. You got back into the car locking the doors dialing Jett's number.

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 | (v.h)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt