A story told in verse by MewoMeow422

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Book:  A Story told in verse by MewoMeow422

Review was done by: chaotic_naturx


Okay, so... First thing I saw was that there is wayyyyy too much going on in the cover. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful and I like it, but it could use some adjustments. Like, remove the borders. They're unnecessary and the cover's look much much much better if you got rid of those borders. Also, to my eyes, it's a wee bit hard to read the title, so you might wanna change that by not spacing the words out so much.

I absolutely LOVE your blurb! It reminds me so much of the realities of so many different lives out there. I'm extremely excited to get to reading now WAHOO



Ayyy I write lots of poetry too (though I would never share it 'cause it's complete shit). And, just a word of advice from one writer to another, do not warn them that you're an amateur or whatever. This could potentially create a bias for readers. So, just be warned next time. You're probably gonna think I'm just some paranoid, old git after this, but, what can I say? Truth is the truth!

Shooting For a Star

I love how you give us the context behind the inspiration! Adds a nice touch and gives us a shallow connection that deepens throughout the poem! Quite ingenious actually. Anyway, to the actual poem! Wow... Just wow. This is sooooo deep. Like, unbelievably so... LOVE!!!! This was executed almost perfectly with a few grammar mistakes (mostly commas and some tense changes). I am truly a fan of this piece of work. It makes my soul cry happy tears and yet breaks my heart in half at the same time. It's just crazy how much talent this takes. So, again, I say LOVE! 💕

Things to Remember

Another Moriko and Dexter one! Yay!!! And, oh my goodness. Flashback to my school days! 😂 This was so great! Reminded me of some great and terrible memories all the same. This poem truly does bring you back to the things to remember, doesn't it? Quite beautiful, I think. But, anyway, enough of my euphoric blabbing. Back to criticism! Grammar issues again. A lot more this time including comma mistakes, punctuation mistakes, and tense changes. You gotta work on these if you want your poetry to be perfect. I really enjoyed this piece (as I'm sure you already know), but I gotta move on now, sadly. I'll miss you, Meow's lovely poem. I'll see you next time I need to be reminded of what's important, yeah?


Omggggg my heart just turned 90 degrees in my chest. This is so heartfelt! I can practically feel your bond with your irl best friend. So amoozing!!!!! 🥺 But, anyway, to be more professional and actually review this thing. Grammar. It's really your one weakness 🤣. Again, you got punctuation and then you have "support", which should be "supporter." Just look over the poem and you'll see what I mean. You got lots of run-ons in all these poems. Poetry still needs correct grammar, remember.

Perfectly Imperfect

Ah, perfectly imperfect. Such a classic trope (Right word? Who knows?). And I think you portrayed it perfectly (pun intended)! But, there are a few things that need to be fixed, including the usual punctuation errors run-on sentences, and such. But, another thing in this particular piece is in the student and teacher stanza. I think "patience" would go better with "teacher" and "excellence" with "student". All in all, an amazing poem! I like the way that you incorporated your sister into it because she came up with the title and all. Great job!

The Girl

Ooooooo getting into horror, are we now? I love it! The repetition gives it that chilling feeling that any horror poem should have. Your rhyming was great! Though you did stop rhyming at the end, I think that fits well with what was happening in the context of the poem. Like, things go off the rails in the poem, so it might as well actually go off the rails with the rhythm and such. Beautiful piece of work, right here! But, work on that grammar, remember? It's better in this one, but you still got some run-ons.


Okay, so... I'm officially in love with your poetry! Love the words you use, how you write it, and just everything about it! Well, except that grammar. You really gotta work on your comma usage. Know that it's okay to use periods every once in awhile.

If you are unable to edit this yourself, I recommend going to see the CLN editing shop found on our profile. Great editors over there!

Now, I must go because I really gotta get to reading the rest of your works if they're anything like these wonderful pieces!

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