She gasped "Oh my god. Are you okay?"

Ethan said "Yes. Thanks to Luigi. So I just brought him here to maybe introduce him to dad and told Luigi if he needs any favours he can come here any time." He turned to Luigi "Meet my sister, Eden. She is my twin sister."

Eden looked at Luigi "Thank you for saving him."

Luigi said "No problem."

Ethan said "Wait here Luigi. I go to the back to help my father to carry the delivery boxes in."

Luigi said "I come with you."

Luigi followed Ethan to wards the back of the shop but his mind was with Eden. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She surely looked like an angel was from heaven. There was a long corridor and suddenly a man came through the back door.

Ethan said "Dad. Hi..."

The man sighed "I am glad you are back. About time. Can you go get two bottles of soda from the fridge. I am getting my check book. They want more money but maybe if they stay we can bring the price down. The price hike is just unreasonable." He then hurried upstairs.

Ethan said "I will be back. Sorry. Its always busy here."

Luigi said "He did not even notice me. I am some stranger here."

Ethan shrugged "I bring friends home all the time. I told you. Its busy here. Sorry. I will be back in a minute."

Luigi walked through the back door of the shop, he saw a truck and boxes on the ground. There were two men standing there.


Ephraim Carter came down with his check book just as his son came with two bottles of soda. He walked through the back door and saw that the truck was gone and there were boxes on the ground. But The number of boxes had doubled for some reason. The kid who his son had brought home that day was standing next to the boxes with his hands into his pockets looking around seemingly bored.

Ephraim was confused. His son, Ethan spoke first. "Luigi. Where did those people go? What happened here?"

Luigi shrugged "They had to go back. They were in a hurry to leave. They said because Ephraim Carter is a loyal customer they would like to make this a free delivery. So no charge this time and they give you double what you ordered as an apology for taking your time arguing over the price."

Ephraim found his voice "So they just left... They wanted more money from me. How did they change their mind?"

Luigi said "Well. I guess they realised what a valuable customer you are. They said next delivery is half price by the way."

Ephraim did not pay much attention to the unusual situation. He worked too many hours in a day to care how anything happened and how Luigi had changed the situation. He said "Excellent. I am so glad they come to their senses." He then turned to Ethan "Did the delivery go ok?"

Ethan said "Yes. But I ran into bit of trouble. A bunch of guys wanted to beat me up because I bumped into them. Luigi saved me. So I brought him here to introduce him to you. Dad if he ever comes to the shop dont refuse him anything."

Ephraim smiled "Of course." He turned to Luigi "Thank you for helping my son." He turned to Ethan "Why dont you offer Luigi a drink while I unload these boxes."

Ethan said "I can help you."

Ephraim shook his head "No. Oliver, my new assistant is coming downstairs in a minute. He is finished with setting up the new shelves. You go."

Ethan nodded and said "Lets go Luigi. I guess we can have a soda."

Ethan took Luigi to the front of the shop and took a seat behind the counter. Luigi sat beside him and took the soda bottle from him. The blinds were down but the lights were still on. Ethan said "We are closed now. So its ok to sit here."

They were both drinking soda now. Luigi wanted to ask where Eden was but she just walked in. She had a few boxes of medication in her hand. She walked to one of the shelves and put them on. She then picked up a clipboard and started writing things down while looking at some of the boxes on the shelf.

Luigi was staring her watching her every move and was not paying much attention to Ethan who was talking to him.

Ethan stood up "Do you want more soda?"

Luigi said "What?"

Ethan said "Do you want some soda? We finished the bottles."

Luigi said "No. I am good."

Ethan said "I will go get some chips." He then left.

Luigi continued staring at Eden. She was not looking at him.

Luigi cleared his throat. He asked "What are you doing?"

Eden without looking up from her clipboard said "Nothing you will be interested in."

Luigi raised an eyebrow "And how do you know what I will be interested in."

Eden sighed and turned to him to his delight. At least she acknowledged him and looked at him with her beautiful eyes. She said "Well come on. You know what I mean. You are one of those football obsessed type kids for sure. You are the athletic type. You play football and any sports you can play. Its your life. You do not care for anything else. Why would you be interested in chemist work?"

Luigi said "Well. Thats abit judgemental. I dont judge you. I do not assume what you are into... So tell me. What are you into?" He was actually interested in finding out what she was into.

Eden sighed. She shook her head and ignored his question and got on with her work.

Luigi had never been ignored before by anyone. When he asked a question he always got and answer. He said "Well. I asked a question."

Eden stopped and looked at Luigi again to his delight. In fact she delighted him more by walking towards him. She stood towering over him. He stood up from his seat and looked into her eyes. She was quite tall like her brother but she was shorter than him. She said "Listen here. I do not have to answer your questions. I know your type. Athletism is all you live for. A total Jock."

Luigi asked "Whats wrong with it?"

Eden asked "Whats right with it?"

Luigi crossed his arms over his chest "Being a jock can win you scholarships for college for one..."

Eden said "Studying and getting straight A grades can also get you scholarships for college... Thats the type of people I like to associate myself with, hard working A graders"

Luigi smiled. "Well. You do realise that the hard working A graders and jocks are not so different. Right? They ultimately want the same thing. Scholarships for College. Admit it."

Eden narrowed her eyes. She did not want to admit it. "Not all jocks want the same thing as my kind of people..."

Luigi said "But some do."

Eden sighed "You know what? Fine. Some jocks want the same thing as the hardworking A graders and maybe even can get into college... Are you happy now?"

Luigi chuckled.

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