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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

Water spirralled around me, leaving bubbles as I was pulled down and to the side with a strong current. I shut my eyes as I turned with the water, then I met the end of the tunnel. I was shot out, flying through one of the waterfalls we had to walk through earlier. I let out a scream, hearing Lloyd do the same. I barely saw him land among the Ninja before I slammed into some of the people surrounding them, assumingly Sons of Garmadon members. I let out a groan, lifting myself off of one of the men I had knocked over. 

"(y/n)!" Nya let out a gasp, moving forward and helping me up. She pulled me close to the Ninja, and I stumbled with her. My knee screamed in pain, as well as my shoulder. I let out a cough, spraying water onto my fingertips. My throat was sore as well.

"You guys, Rumi is the Quiet One." Lloyd cried out, still in Jay's hold. I glanced around as the Sons of Garmadon closed in on us. 

"We kind of got that much." Kai admitted as he scanned his eyes around us, brow furrowed. 

Suddenly, at the edge of the water, a loud growl came. The ground shook as a large creature dragged itself out of the water. Harumi turned to the noise, letting out a scream when she saw what we had set our eyes on. A claw snapped as the large crab opened and closed his jaws. 

"I swear to God, Lloyd, I should've given up after falling off the waterfall." I hissed out. I didn't wait for his answer as I began to run, Nya still helping me along. 

"You fell off a what?" She asked, barely breaking a sweat as I stumbled with her.

"It's a long, kind of awful, story." I replied, hearing the water splash as the creature dove back in. I skid to a stop, pulling Nya with me. At my other side was Lloyd as the Sons of Garmadon and Ninja all stopped too. 

"What is that?" Killow cried out from behind us. I glanced to the other side of Lloyd, finding Harumi standing there. Her gaze was cold, calculating as she tried to follow the creature in the water.  

"It's back." Lloyd muttered, shaking his head. Drops flung from his hair, scattering around with the movement. 

"Yeah. This is really the shittiest day of my life." I grumbled, holding my hands out in front of me. Only one cuff glimmered back at me now in the setting sun. 

"Man, even the kiss?" Lloyd questioned, feigning hurt as he moved into a fighting stance. I hummed. 

"Well, I guess not that." I answered, mustering the best smile I could at the recollection of our quick first kiss. 

"You guess?" Lloyd scoffed, though he returned my smile, it fell into a sad one, much like mine did. 

"Kiss? What kiss? You kissed?" Nya asked quickly as she held her staff across her body in front of her. 

"Wait! When did you kiss?" Jay yelled out, likely having heard Nya as he stood beside her. Neither question was answered, though, as water splashed up around us and the large crab scuttled out onto the shore. 

Water pooled on the ground as everyone scattered and ran. I found myself being tugged to one side by Nya while Lloyd dove to the other with Jay. Kai was quick to follow us, covering Nya and me when one of the rocks exploded nearby. I wasn't sure which direction Cole ran in, but I hoped baby Wu was okay. More rocks broke across from us on this small island, and Kai and Nya led me behind a rock before giving me a stern look. 

"(y/n), stay here. We'll deal with this." Kai told me. I wanted to object, say I could help, but they were already gone with their weapons drawn to face the crab. Sons of Garmadon members ran or cowered as the beast screamed. I watched with horror as Nya was picked up by the crab, though Zane and Kai were quick to help her. The ninja overtook the battle, and those with masks (sans Harumi) joined. It seemed only those with powers were able to hold their own in this fight. Others, like Ultra Violet, easily got tossed to the side. 

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