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~ Third Person P.O.V. ~

The streets of Ninjago City were silent, even a woman ran from the darkness of an alley, her white hair stark against the dark of the road around her. When her feet hit the ground, the sound was inaudible. The lights around them were out, but the moon still shone above the city, casting a silver glow that let the shadows dance around the woman as she pushed herself to go faster. In her arms was a small child, barely three years old, with (h/c) pigtails pulled hastily on the side of her head. She watched over the woman's shoulder, not understanding why her mother had grabbed her so quickly out of her crib that night, or even why her mother was running now. 

"Mommy..." The young girl murmured, hands scrunching around the fabric of her mother's shirt as they hid around another corner. The woman hushed her, peeking around the corner for a moment, then went running again. They were close to the Royal Palace now, the woman knew it. That was the only place she could think to go as figures emerged from the dark corners behind them. They were far enough that she could get away, but only for now. 

When the woman came to a stop, they were at the corner, just a few feet away from the gates. She placed the young girl down, running her hands gently over the top of the girl's head, then cupped her face. 

"(y/n), we don't have a lot of time. I need you to run to those gates as fast as you can. You don't look back for me, you just run, okay?" (y/n) looked up at her mother, (e/c) eyes shimmering in the moonlight. She clutched a small toy to her chest- a small stuffed rabbit. 

"But Mommy-" (y/n) started, but her mother shook her head. 

"No buts. You have to do this, for me. It's a race. I'll meet you there, okay?" Her mother whispered. The moon lit up her white hair to a pretty silver (y/n) would've spent longer admiring if her mother hadn't turned her around to face the Palace gates. Quickly, she wiped at her tears, then began counting down for her daughter. A quick glance over her shoulder showed the figures were closer now, only a few yards away. 

"3... 2... 1... go!" (y/n) ran for the gates like her mother instructed. It was a race, just a race. Maybe that's why her mother had been running with her, because they were racing with someone. 

By the gates, two of the royal guards noticed the girl, and the woman who seemed to move back, swallowed into the shadows of other buildings. The girl kept her blue bunny in her fist, a small smile on her face because she was winning, she was winning! 

One of the royal guards stayed by the gate while the other went to wake the Master-At-Arms, as they were unsure of what to do about a child coming to the gates. Within seconds, the girl slid into the gate, barely moving it as she cheered. 

"Mommy, I made it! Mommy-" (y/n) turned to the street to find her mother gone, and her breath caught in her throat. For a moment, she didn't know what to say as she stared at the empty spot where her mother used to be. The royal guard who stayed behind chose then to exit the gate, swiftly closing it behind him. (y/n) turned her eyes to this man. "Where is my Mommy?" She asked him, voice small. The royal guard was quiet, turning his eyes to where the woman had been, knowing he had seen her run in a different direction, but he didn't know how to tell this small girl that.

"I apologize, I don't know who you mean." The royal guard told her, kneeling down to her side. "Can you tell me your name? Maybe that will help us find your mother." He gently asked her, already seeing the tears well up in her eyes. She held the stuffed bunny close to her chest. 

"(y/n). (y/n) (l/n)." She said quietly. The man nodded, turning his eyes back to where her mother had disappeared from. He hadn't been sure what to make of it. Was she abandoning her child? Except her child ran willingly from her... what did this mean? 

Secrets in the Moonlight (Lloyd Garmadon x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora