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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

I stood on the stage beside Harumi and our mother. A little ways away was Hutchins, a small smile playing on his lips as the Emperor, our father, continued on with his speech. I shared a glance with Harumi, then looked back out to the crowd. Most of father's words went through one ear, and out the other. It wasn't exactly that I didn't care, because I knew the reasoning behind our public appearance. I had just heard the practiced speech several times this week as we all rehearsed for this moment. Our parents claimed it had to be perfect, as our appearances were rare to begin with. That, and it just never fit in my mind the idea of royalty, despite my 15 years of living with it, so often the content of it seemed to slip through my fingers. I knew one day, either I or Harumi, was meant to step up and take our father's place. I personally thought it would most likely Harumi over me. Despite her lateness into the life, she seemed to have a better grasp on it than I did. 

I moved my eyes over the crowd, watching the cameras flash as my father went on. Some people waved, and I lifted a small hand, smiling at them, then I continued skimming my eyes over the crowd. Again, my mind was wondering as I turned my eyes up. There, I found a figure in green perched on the roof across from me. I quickly recognized the figure as the Green Ninja, also known as Lloyd Garmadon. He seemed as equally surprised by me seeing him as I was. Personally, I was more dazed than anything. I had seen several pictures of the Ninja themselves on newspapers, and even flitting across rooftops far away from me, yet this was the closest I had seen one of them before. 

A slight tug pulled in my chest as I stared, almost as if drawing me to him, but I stayed frozen in my spot as the Green Ninja put a hand to his ear. I was only brought out of my spell when Harumi gently nudged me with her arm, letting me know to pay attention. Reluctantly, I tore my eyes away from the green figure, looking back to the crowd. I felt the urge to look again, but I kept the impulse at bay as my father finished his speech, raising a hand to the air. I could already see the smile on his face despite him not facing us. 

When I was finally able to look back at the roof, the Green Ninja was gone. For a moment, disappointed flooded my mind as another tug pulled at me, this one harsher than the first. I could barely register the loud popping that followed before I was tackled onto the ground. I huffed out a groan as my headpiece tilted off to the side. My mother was beside me, but I couldn't see Harumi until the figure covering me pushed themselves up. 

"Is the threat clear?" Lloyd spoke, pressing to the side of his head again. His green eyes shone as he looked out into the screaming crowd. Harumi wasn't far from us, on the ground with Hutchins and our father. The relief I felt that they were both safe was short-lived when I looked up at the Green Ninja again. He was standing now, holding out a hand to me and my mother. 

My mother was the first to take his hand, brushing off her dress and sending him a smile. I continued to stare up at him, part in shock, then I realized he was waiting for me. Embarrassed, I slapped my hand into his. 

"I apologize. I was trying to keep you both safe." Lloyd said, his voice sincere as his green eyes flickered between me and my mother. I was quick to shake my head. 

"No. No, you're fine- I mean, okay. Thank you." I stammered out, giving a slight bow of my head after righting my headpiece. He said nothing else, only giving me a slight nod, then Harumi was gently grabbing my arm and pulling me away. 

"You're staring." Harumi chided and I blinked, looking away from Lloyd as Harumi pulled me to the door. She had a smile on her face as we came to stand behind our parents. "Don't worry. He was staring too." Harumi informed me. I huffed, lightly hitting her arm as the doors opened. 

"Well, he helped protect us, even if there was no real threat." I said with a shrug, then looked. "Mother, Father, do you think we could invite the Ninja at a later date? They did help protect us." I asked, raising my voice a little so they could hear me. They both shared a look, then gave a nod to Hutchins, who nodded back, then walked behind us. 

Secrets in the Moonlight (Lloyd Garmadon x reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara