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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"(y/n)." I turned at the voice, not recognizing where I was, but I found no one around me. The air around me was misty, and I could barely make out the shapes as something moved around me. "(y/n), listen to me."  I spun in my spot, seeing a silhouette standing across from me. 

"Who... where am I? What am I doing here?" I asked as the figure stepped closer. I couldn't make out their face, but they sounded feminine. Her voice was raspy, one I didn't recognize. 

"Look within yourself. You'll find your answers there." The woman answered. I could make out the silhouette of her hat briefly through the fog, then the ground gave out beneath me. 

I was too surprised as the area around me fell into a blur of color, then I landed on a new ground. Rock dug into my hip and palms as I pushed myself up. I was in a cave now, and in the middle was a pedestal. I felt something slide down my forehead. I was quick to wipe it away, and when I looked at my hand, red glistened in the dim light. 

"What?" I whispered to myself, then I stood, looking around. I didn't recognize where I was, but yet there was something familiar about the setting. A few feet away from me lay a broken knife. 

"I'm sorry." I faced the new person, almost surprised to see Harumi standing there, but she was much younger here. "I broke our promise." I frowned at her, unable to recall what promise she meant. 

"What promise? You never broke one." I told her gently as I knelt down in front of her. Dream or not, my instinct was to comfort her. Harumi was often paranoid as a child, always seeming as if we'd hurt her for any wrong she'd done. 

"I promised to always tell you the truth. Remember?" I blinked in confusion as Harumi grasped my hand. Her thumb harshly pressed into my palm, where the blood was. "Remember? Remember?" Harumi's voice pitched as she repeated herself. Her hazel eyes were wide in concern. "(y/n)? (y/n)? (y/n)?" I tried to pull my hand away, her grip beginning to hurt as Harumi morphed, aging before my eyes as she repeated my name again. Her nails dug into my skin. 

"(y/n), (y/n), (y/-

n)." I woke up with a gasp, pulling my hand to my chest as I quickly sat up. Jay fell back in surprise, being the one to have woken me. The sun shone above us now, and a blanket was curled up in my lap, though I knew I hadn't fallen asleep with it. "You okay?" Jay questioned after he collected himself. I gave a slow nod. 

"Yeah. Just... a strange dream." Jay gave a nod at my answer. 

"A lot of those going around apparently." Jat told me, then held out his hand. "Here, Kai and I are at the bridge trying to help find Cole and Zane. We found out he's undercover with the Sons of Garmadon, but nothing more than that. Lloyd's out looking for them as we speak. And Nya's working on... I don't know, actually, but Harumi is with her. None of us had seen you this morning so I decided to come check on you." Jay explained to me as I took his hand, thanking him as he pulled me up. 

"Does Nya need any help?" I questioned and Jay gave a shrug. 

"She might. I'm sure she wouldn't oppose to it. Not sure if Harumi is already helping, but the more help the better I guess." Jay replied and I nodded, letting him lead me to where Nya was. 

"Do you mind, sis?" Kai hissed out from above. "Trying to save Cole and Zane." He continued with an irritated huff. 

"What do you think I'm doing?" Nya countered, glaring up at the vent Kai was looking down through. "Zane won't last long undercover in a biker gang without a bike." Nya explained to him. 

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