Chapter Twelve

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Akaza was cold— colder than usual since his average temperature was around 15.5 degrees celsius, he didn't like being alone even if he was a demon. The sun had made a full rotation with the amount of time he's spent alone; he's expected to go to a meeting tomorrow as well. Akaza's eyes had become clouded, a silk-like glaze over them lost in thoughts his body had been stuck in a sitting position for who knew how many hours.

Akaza later on in the night was awoken from his zombie-like state by a warmth, it poked at his skin. Akaza's eyes met with Kyojuro's for once he looked rather soft instead of rough. Akaza was soon pulled into a standing position engulfed immediately into Kyojuro's embrace. Akaza couldn't cry over this— he never cried unless some useless memory popped into his head something so broken he can't even decipher what any of it meant.

Akaza hugged back burying his head into his chest, staying like that for minutes— enough time to process anything, everything, all at once— slowly. Akaza takes a sharp intake of air before pulling away from the warm embrace, bracing himself for the cold outside of the protection of the other. " Kyojuro— " Akaza was swiftly cut off from speaking. " I already know " Kyojuro's voice was soft when he spoke.

Akaza on any other condition would have believed he was calling him weak. Akaza, however, just nods knowing in this situation he's a human and the other is a demon slayer— Akaza was weak in this situation. Pretending to be weak was hard, it was an embarrassment to him; it was embarrassing because he's an upper moon and he was one of the strongest.

His composure snaps as his eyes swell and he snaps his head to look down. He was an idiot for sharing his pain with another. Akaza was now crying and he couldn't help it— he wanted to help it. It had been a rough few months spent with the old lady and this Hashira. He knew he couldn't kill him now, he would hesitate, it would be all over for him. Akaza knew if Kyojuro knew he was a demon, let alone an upper moon he would just try and kill him. Akaza would then be stuck in the dilemma of having to kill someone he just recently fell for.

Akaza felt stupid for even assuming they could have a nice happy life together. Akaza was stuck in a cement road he paved himself—Why did he even do it? Akaza can't even remember the reasoning for wanting to become a demon, all that's left is this desire to become strong; not just that but the strongest. No one could stop him then, fear would never consume him, he would never feel dumb, and no matter what happens to him, he would no longer care.

Akaza was the only demon that enjoyed making friends with humans, they were unbelievably weak but all of them had a reason to continue surviving, going to lengths such as killing each other even. Some kill themselves or sacrifice themselves for family or lovers. Akaza hated the overwhelming feelings all humans carry. They die over the smallest inconvenience or end up killing each other over spilled beer. Demons have their emotions cut off from the moment they are created to avoid being afraid of killing their food.

Demons could however regain this consciousness by being around humans or developing feelings of fondness towards other demons. The first option would grant problems; problems such as a demons' death or the loss of ability to kill— Akaza suffered this once.

Akazas eyes became slightly stuffy from tears as Kyojuro began to wipe your face carefully. Akaza buries his head back into the other's chest feeling utterly pathetic. Akaza shouldn't be crying, he couldn't do it, not here, not now, not ever. Akaza let his hands dwell at his side. Kyojuro begins to run his hand through Akazas hair, he's felt the pain of his mother dying so he understands the pain the other must feel especially due to not having a father at all and basically being adopted.

Kyojuro continues holding the smaller but slightly more built male to himself. "Hakuji— would you like to stay with me for a while, till you at least get better? " Kyojuro continues to speak softly mumbling his words into the others' soft jet black hair. Kyojuro was slowly becoming fonder of the other day by day. Kyojuro was still in doubt he was even gay, why would he only feel anything romantic specifically now and for this one human. He had to be back on duty soon too, maybe he could ask the other to accompany him, and maybe even teach him breathing techniques.

Akaza pulls away once more, becoming uncomfortable with the touching. He wipes his eyes and nods his head to the other, he could only stay for a while since he has that meeting to go to though. Akaza stood in thought for a second, contemplating being late—no.— he brushes it off as a bad idea before taking a seat on his bed. " Yeah that would be nice, but I have debt I need to pay off,,, so I need to go to a meeting, it's far out so I should get going since it begins first thing in the morning. " Akaza lied in half of what he said, he also needed to stop to get some food before he did anything.

Food sounded good right around now, taking out his anger on something other than the Hashira standing before him. Looming over him dare he even say. Kyojuro nods his head at the other knowing it is probably around the time he should leave, sunlight might hit the horizon in a few hours anyway so there shouldn't be any delay. Kyojuro offers his hand to the other and once he takes it he walks him carefully yet gently down the stairs like any wrong move will break the other down and back into a crying session.

Akaza didn't like being puppied but he wasn't going to complain, he would probably break down any second with the other here— there was too much happening for Akaza to not wanna cry. Lucky for him though, he didn't like the other Upper moons as much as he cared for this stupid hashira. Akaza's life right now was a little messed up and he wanted it to go away. Why did Akaza believe life would be as simple as getting food and working for a house. Akaza wanted nothing more than to stop these unneeded emotions. Akaza shouldn't have gotten involved with humans— especially a hashira.

Akaza turns to face the other when they make it outside. The moon gave off a clean radiance, one that Akaza had forgotten about once he confined himself up into his room. He needed to get over that woman and fast, or at least distract himself with something before he enters the infinity castle. Akaza's eyes became clearer from the moon radiance his body had healed from his previous crying session his once puffy eyes become soft once more.

Akaza sighed, wiping his eyes once more before making eye contact with Kyojuro. "I just wanted to say thank you for spending this time with me— I, I didn't feel the best and had planned to just skip the meeting, which wouldn't have been the best outcome for me if I took that route." Akaza reluctantly admits before he takes Kyojuro's hands into his, brushing his thumbs over Kyojuros' knuckles, they had not completely dried from his tears. He holds the other's hands up to his face, letting the warmth of the other's hands pool over his face, his skin pricks with a new sense of life. Kyojuro keeps still, unsure of the intentions of the other but he's soon relieved.

Akaza pulls Kyojuro's hands in and places a light kiss unto them as a thank you. " I'll come right back Kyojuro, I promise " Akaza wanted to come back to Kyojuro right after everything settled over at the meeting. Why wouldn't he, Kyojuro offered him safety and emotions he liked, they made him feel less dead. Demons are the undead after all.

Kyojuro took the other's face into his hands and kissed him. It was a firm kiss, the intent was there but it was still gentle. Akaza smiled as he pulled back, giving a soft but quick bow as he began to walk into the woods. Akaza's face was flushed with excitement to return home once more. Akaza would bring flowers for the lady's grave too. She was much too nice to him and he had no clue how to repay her for all her kind deeds towards him. Akaza's form shifted once out of sight of the Hashira as well as he took off into a run. The only time he stopped the whole trip there was for food; he picked off an old man wandering the woods at too late of an hour. Akaza reached the Infinite castle in due time, the sun taking a small taste of his back before he made it into the portal.

1545 words!

Sorry this took so long I believe I had burnout and this is going to be 35-40 chapters if I keep true to my intentions and script.

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