Chapter Seven

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Kyojuro's walk home was spent happily. The bath wasn't as bad as what he expected and he got to see a lot.. different side of Hakuji. It made him content. The night was windy and cold since he had still been wet; the air, however, was fresh. Relaxation washed over him. It had been awhile since Kyojuro had relaxed like he had been with Hakuji. It felt nice. Kyojuro never really relaxed around others. Kanroji was the only one he dared to relax around, but that was after years. This had only been a week— why was it so easy to relax around the very one he felt a sense of uneasiness about?

Kyojuro brushed off his thoughts as he realized that there's once more a figure inside the Rengoku estate— it seemed more had wanted to visit him when he was out on break. Annoyed by the intrusion, not to mention a disturbance of what he had planned to be a peaceful sleep— guess I'll visit him earlier— Kyojuro immediately recognizes the figure who decided to cause havoc in the Rengoku estate: Sanemi. Kyojuro sighed, knowing he's just here for work so it shouldn't be too long.

Wait, I'm still drenched. Sanemi wasn't the type to make fun of another, but it still made Kyojuro uncomfortable to have to explain the situation.

Sanemi perked up from his seat on the foundation of the house as he closes the distance between them, Sanemi looked unsettled, very unsettled, Sanemi paused at the drenched flame before him it seems to cheer him up a bit— why was everyone laughing at him having wet hair— " what is it Shinazugawa—? '' Kyojuro directed the attention off his hair and back to the reason Sanemi was even here, he never visits me. " There has been a recent flare in demonic activities, especially in your sector. Be on standby. We might need to put you back on duty earlier than expected. "

Kyojuro put his hand to his chin realizing there really was, not to mention the weird happenings that had happened in the recent days, a demon killed by another to save a girl. " Now that you have mentioned it— there really is something shady seeming to happen, just a week ago a young maiden was saved by a demon and after it no other demons had dared poke their heads out, aside from one but he was just entering the city! " Kyojuro hated demons but he had been shown that there are some who resist the urge to eat them, maybe some demons were attempting to change?

Sanemi looks surprised by Kyojuro's words " Did anyone die that night— demons don't just do that, if there were killings that night the demon was probably just full. Demons are enemies among themselves after all it was probably a territory problem " Kyojuro nods " Yes there had been a killing two men who had just left a bar— " Kyojuro hums in disapproval, he had thought there was a demon willing to change but yet it was just a full demon who didn't want more to eat and who wanted to protect his hunting grounds. Sanemi pats his shoulder, popping his neck, also disappointed in the discovery that there was another murderous demon.

" Is the girl who was saved here—? We could get our questions answered " Sanemi suggests since it was true, she mentioned being awake for a short duration of the whole thing. Kyojuro snaps out of his thoughts " Oh— Yes she is, she had just woken up a few days ago, she's a bit tender at the moment however " Kyojuro ushers Sanemi to follow. The girl had refused to be in the dark anymore and hated going outside, she was completely scared from the events she was put through, anyone would be like that if they had almost been consumed by a demon.

As the young men enter the room Sanemi could tell the extent of what the other meant; the room was illuminated and there were three men looking over her at all times, though they had been shooed away by Kyojuro as he went to wake up the young maiden. " Ma'am,, ma'am we just need to ask you a few questions about that night— " Kyojuro cooed at the woman, trying to soften his voice to fit her preference, Kyojuro however, was half deaf so it was rather hard for he himself to hear what he was saying to a point. The young woman did wake up though, so he thought he did a good job with waking her up. She rubs her eyes sitting up so the two men weren't looming over her and they backed off a little as well.

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