Chapter Five

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Kyojuro spent up to five days just avoiding the demon-like-human. He didn't— he couldn't— face him. He has seen hakuji working most nights so he was no longer really worried about the reasons for him being out that late that night. If he were a demon, he would have to eat everyday— right?— Kyojuro questioned himself. Kyojuro had no intentions to get to know more about demons, however, knowing eating patterns could be helpful—. The corps were looking into another demon who's devoted to helping demons and humans alike, she currently is the closest thing to a cure Nezuko has currently— no matter how sour of a thought Kyojuro will suck it up for the sake of Nezuko.

Kyojuro sat up out of bed running his hands through his hair; pushing it back into a slicked position, Kyojuro let out a groan followed by a heavy breath. Rarely did Kyojuro ever not wish to go to work but there was a specific reason, he can no longer focus Hakuji has been plaguing his mind, not to mention Mitsuris words. Kyojuro felt so uncomfortable with Hakuji, his bare presence makes his skin crawl but there was no possible way to get out of this encounter. His mind was wondering and he's had a total of three hours this whole week, he couldn't live like this anymore; Kyojuro has a strict schedule and this was messing with him, he's never had less than seventy hours of sleep a week.

Kyojuro gets dressed for the day, demounting his sword and sheathing it. The sun was setting so Senjuro was most likely awake; Knowing that, Kyojuro promptly rushes outside the wind was rough today but nothing he hasn't dealt with. Senjuro was just putting away supplies from his cleaning spree so Kyojuro happily places a hand on his head to notify his brother of his presence. Once Kyojuro is acknowledged he scrambles his brother's hair fondly leaving his brother with a goodbye before he disappears.

Kyojuros inhuman speeds make his disappearing acts no longer funny, just mildly concerning; With that amount of strength there's bound to be no good to come of it. Demons have infinite time to get stronger so there's bound to be one that comes along to claim the title of being stronger. Senjuro knows this the most— Senjuro hates almost every thought he has of his brother and his work. Senjuro softly yawns and gets back to working to clean his mess before heading to bed— the night scares him too much now to stay up.

Kyojuro appeared before the inn and right in front is Hakuji sweeping out the dirt. Around this time he finishes work so he shouldn't be too late. Kyojuro makes a slow and cautious walk to the door, his hand never leaving the hilt of his sword. Soon a sweet scent fills Kyojuros nose— food— an old woman soon after comes out with dango " come inside to eat hakuji— " Akaza looks visibly uncomfortable with the woman's food offer " Listen— I can't eat it please stop wasting food on me ". The woman frowns though Kyojuro comes in to swoop one of the sticks of dango " Such a waste of food— if he won't eat I should eat his portion! " Kyojuro exclaims happily, practically beaming at the woman who is caught off guard by the actions of this young man but seems pleased by his offer " Let me just go get it— so nice of you, he never eats the food I get him ".

Kyojuro gets a sense of displeasure by this statement and once more adds suspicion to the 'human' Kyojuro tilts his head down to see the slightly shorter male, though he doesn't seem to be looking at him; though once Akaza feels the stare of this man he turns to look back at him " What—? " Akaza sounds annoyed Kyojuro just assumes it's because she gave it to him instead " Sir Hakuji— I have free time today so I have come to ask if I can accompany you on your nightly walk? " Kyojuro deadpan stares at Akaza with his usual owl-like face.

Akaza gains interest in his sudden change and shifts to prop himself up on a wall " what—? You want to hang out with me? After our first interaction I assumed I wouldn't have to see you again? Why the change of heart— " Kyojuro looks unamused by Akaza's demeanor and tone, Akaza is too friendly for Kyojuro to have the hearts to even try to like him; Kyojuro had no problem with friendly people it's just the way they do it and the way Akaza acts makes him more than a little uncomfortable at this point. " You're suspicious to me— it would be dumb not to follow you for a few days, either you go mad from hunger or you really are human like you preach " Kyojuro's words sting like venom, Akaza however loved them, Akaza had eaten a day ago so he didn't worry too much. He also would enjoy teasing the poor Hashira till he lost all faith in him, being a human and Kyojuro hating him at the same time would be golden candy.

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