Chapter Six

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Kyojuro kept his promise to come back every day for the next week and a half. The longest week and a half of Akaza's life— Kyojuro, on the other hand, grew fond of his new friend. Akaza was desperately trying to keep his calm around the new problem that intruded on his otherwise perfectly calm life. Even if the hashira no longer believes he's a demon, that didn't stop him from continuously coming over though it progressed into later times. The night felt less empty with Kyoujuro joining him.

Akaza had finished his shift for the day— It was now nighttime and Akaza was sitting inside the doorway playing with the dirt beneath him with his feet waiting for Kyojuro to join him. Kyojuro was running way later than what Akaza had initially planned. Akaza began to stand up to go back inside actually quite saddened for being stood up by the one who seemed to actually want to hang out with him; Akaza may not fully enjoy Kyojuros company but it wasn't the worst, after all he was around his presenting age and wanted to hang out with him. Better than hanging out with the old lady or having a boring life with no friends— that had happened a few times.

There was a loud sounding thunk Akaza, Akaza quickly tenses up but can't sense any killing intent, so he softens his complexion as he turns around to face Kyojuro. Akaza doesn't change facial expressions but he does in fact get overjoyed by the arrival of his one and only friend in human society. " Lovely night? " Kyojuro exclaims happily as he moves past Akaza once he moves out of the way. Akazas 'mom' had invited him over to eat with them both. Akaza took Kyojuro's words to heart and doesn't leave till he finishes his platter of food— Kyojuro coming over just makes the whole process easier.

" Indeed it is Kyojuro~ " Akaza's lips twitch upwards though he holds himself back from giving this human any satisfaction of knowing he remotely enjoys his company. Akaza lead Kyojuro back into the inn and unlocks an entrance that leads to a lounge area; The area is wide with a floor table in the middle and small compact rooms for other people to come and lounge or eat, the middle table however is filled with food and Kyojuro happily takes a seat, though he doesn't take food till Akazas mother returns " She will be out soon there was just one last thing she had to prepare for us " Akaza says as he takes his seat next to the Hashira, both conversing in nothing to important.

" Why were you late? I almost thought you decided not to come today " Akaza fiddles with the utensils on the counter as he speaks bored and hating the smell of the food placed in front of him— he may eat it now but that doesn't mean that the smell or taste wasn't horrendous, he felt bad for demons with particular taste buds. " Hmm— Demons had shown up unexpectedly in the far outskirts of town so it was an effort to get here in time " Kyojuros eyes were glued to the food as he spoke, paying no attention to the other who was trying to converse with him. This is why Akaza doesn't like him, Kyojuro always seemed to be distracted by mostly anything else. Akaza puts his head in his hands and sighs at the humans' disregard for his existence for food.

Akaza's mother walks out with more food though seems to be shaking— Akaza hops into action and takes the food out of her hands, offering his arm to walk her to her seat. She gratefully accepts and he takes her to the other side of the table from them. Akaza looks saddened by her demeanor since she was obviously getting worse by the days and would soon be bed ridden. Akaza places the food on a table and sets up her plate for her before he gets himself his own food. Kyojuro's plate had already been set up and was going to help but Akaza beat him, after all Akaza was his son.

" You have a lovely son ma'am, you seem to take care of each other " Kyojuro gives a slight nod of his head as he speaks, pleased with the display before him. Akaza is slightly flustered by the comment that he was a demon, but nursing came more naturally to him than most other things. " Oh I know, he's such a darling to have around and helps with anything he can, it takes a large load of work off my back— " the woman smiles as she partakes in her food, almost as soon as she did the other two young men dig into their food.

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