Chapter Nine

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Akaza wakes up with a purplish hue shining through his window, he woke up just in time. By this time his stomach was killing him, eating him from the inside out. The pain itself made Akaza want to throw up. Akaza decides it would be best to go eat then talk to Kyojuro since he overreacted to what he had said. Akaza doesn't understand why he doesn't want Kyojuro mad at him but he just doesn't, which is convincing enough to act on his emotions.

Akaza hugs the haori closer to him not fully realizing it's Kyojuros haori, Akaza had just thought it was a normal blanket albeit small. After relishing the warmth, Akaza decides to get up since he should go eat— only then does he realize what exactly he was hugging so desperately close to himself. Akaza now annoyed with his actions he throws the haori while grumbling to himself; Though Akaza picks it back up since it's probably important to Kyojuro. Akaza lays it on his bed staring it down wishing it would just disappear.

When the haori Akaza had stolen from Kyojuro doesn't disappear he takes his leave through the open window since it would be easier to be in demon form and just sneak out. The paths throughout the town are illuminated by oil lamps since the town is still too poor to afford any higher-powered light source. The town looked peaceful while asleep— however, Akaza had to hurry since Kyojuro would be out night hunting by now.

Akaza finds his way onto a roof scouting for potential food. When Akaza spots his food choice he hops down into the alley following the paths to cut the unsuspecting human off. Due to Akaza's chosen form being his demon the human immediately panics— Akaza manages to catch and cover the human's mouth before he screams and gives away Akazas position. Akaza flips the human grabbing his face to slam it, however, Akaza hesitates. Akaza got a wave of guilt— why? He needs to do this for survival.

Akaza groans at the sudden new waves of emotions he's been experiencing—all because Kyojuro won't leave him alone— the human by now was violently sobbing. The victim Akaza had chosen was rather small and barely looked like he was in adulthood, probably around the ages of sixteen to seventeen. Akaza couldn't do it, not this time.

Akaza moved his hand to the man's mouth so he could see his eyes. " Listen— I'm hungry and need food but I won't kill you, I'm gonna remove my hand to knock you out, scream, and I'll kill you and make it a painful death " Akaza threatens as he removes his hand from the other's mouth, sliding it down to his neck as a threat.

" Thank you! Thank y— " Akaza swiftly moves his hand on his neck, cutting the boy off since he knew the human wouldn't scream at that point, knocking the boy out cold. The young boy falls into him, Akaza has a bit of decency so he catches him and lays him up against the alley wall. Akaza wastes no time as he bites the young boy's shoulder, lapping up the boy's blood, relishing in the food he's obtained— never again will Akaza be ungrateful for food he's been given. Akaza is one of the demons who only eats when needed.

Once Akaza takes a fair share of blood, he wraps the boy's torn bite on his shoulder. Akaza also carries him out of the alley so it's easier to find his body. Akaza was still hungry though, however, taking more blood would have ended the boy's life. Not to mention flesh is the food to demons so all Akaza had done was take a large serving of water. Groaning, Akaza looks him over once more before making his way onto another roof.

This time immediately spotting someone who has a girl pinned and muffled, from here Akaza knows the man would taste sour though he won't feel remorse for the kill. Akaza hops down, wasting no time since he doesn't have much time before he does something that girl would have to live with for the rest of her life.

Akaza rounds the corner realizing it wasn't just his hand around her neck it was a whole knife to her throat. The woman notices Akaza but the man doesn't so he ushers the girl to be quiet. As Akaza approaches the man he doesnt turn from her but does speak " get lost unless you wanna j— " Akaza cuts the man of punching a straight hole through his head, which doesn't stop there pulling back Akaza rips the man's head right off his body stomping his foot through the lower half of the man. The girl doesn't scream but doesn't run either, instead, she drops to the ground.

Akaza discards the head and catches her, he feels her trembling— she's scared of him, but refuses to run?— he moves her away from the mangled corpse so she doesn't dirty her outfit. She grabs Akazas arms to steady herself from falling since her legs were quaking —she knows what a demon is— Akaza opens his mouth to speak but she flinches at the movement " Ah— I'm sorry before you eat me could you knock me out? " Akaza looks confused by her words but understands at that point " I don't eat women, now you should get out of here, and don't mention what you saw, or at the very least not what I look like " Akaza keeps his tone hushed so she doesn't fear his presence too much.

The girl nods as she stabilizes herself but still fails " I'm sorry— I don't believe I can walk yet " she fumbles with her lip as though that makes Akaza obliged to eat her— it doesn't. Akaza softly slides her down the wall resting her on the floor " do you mind me eating then? After I'll accompany you home— " The young girl couldn't believe her ears but finally gave into trusting this demon after his words, she quickly nods " I don't mind, and I won't look " with those words she shifts to look away from Akaza.

Akaza sighs and turns back to his meal knowing it will be disgusting. Akaza delves into his food but with a bit of manners so that he doesn't get blood on himself— what if he runs into Kyojuro all bloodied?— Akaza shakes his thoughts away as he strips the man down to the bare bone, licking the blood left on his hands. He then turns to the girl who is still looking away.

Akaza squats in front of her which startles her to look at him " may I carry you? It would be faster " the girl nods and with that Akaza hoists her up bridal style. " My house is just at the end of this row " Akaza nods and takes the route of house roofs carrying her carefully but swiftly and within a matter of minutes, he's at the end of the row. Akaza hops down from the roof, setting the girl down. She bows to him " thank you— " she says as she turns to leave Akaza but he stops her " Don't stay out so late next time, and never take the alleys " he eyes her down as the girl smiles and nods once m0re as she turns to leave back into the house. Akaza content and his belly now full he makes his way back to the inn.

Kyojuro had been night hunting, but only found the body of the young male on the main street, wounded but cared for. Kyojuro has been annoyed with the curious behavior of the demons in his town since none of it made sense. Kyojuro growled to himself but picked up the young male, carrying him back to his estate to once more care for the injured human. The human's eyes were puffy so he was crying at one point— possibly being able to question him further when he woke up.

Kyojuro decides to go to sleep early today since he had a massive fight with Hakuji and all the demons were starting to bug him. Senjuro, though, catches him before he goes into his room " brother— where's your haori? " Kyojuro turns to his younger brother, patting his back— shit— Kyojuro sighs knowing where he left it " I left it at a friend'sI'll be back " Kyojuro takes off once more to Hakujis place.

Upon arrival, he was able to get in since the lady gave him a key, and now he had the key to Hakuji's room. Kyojuro quietly makes his way throughout the inn since everyone was asleep— everyone but Hakuji— Kyojuro cursed himself for thinking, why did it always have to be of Hakuji. Entering the room Kyojuro immediately noticed the absence of his friend, and his haori. Though walking in farther he realized it was in his— bed?

Akaza came up to the inn, immediately feeling the presence of Kyojuro so he took the front entrance to be safe and to have extra time to switch to his human disguise. Akaza enters his room to see Kyojuro on his bed holding Kyojuro's haori he had stolen— oh no he had been caught— Akaza bites his lip as the other looks up at him.

Millions of thoughts went through his head— he was disgusted, he wasn't gay, why did Akaza have to be like this— Akaza opens his mouth to make an excuse but Kyojuro stands up making Akaza shrink as he got closer— why was Akaza so scared of this outcome. Kyojuro however puts his haori on Akaza adjusting it to him " did you sleep with my haori, Hakuji? " Kyojuro pulls back to say '' yes " Akaza manages to speak out with regret but it quickly fades as Akaza gets pulled in a warmth flushes perfectly against his mouth— Kyojuro had kissed him. 


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