y/n pov:

>> time skip to just a random day >>

the guys were having their lunch as i sat at the corner of the table silently.

chairman-nim told me before that i wasn't meant to eat what they ate though i had to be in charge of making it. so there i was, staring at them eating hungrily and my own hunger still being unresolved.

"y/n-ah, what's your ideal type," donghan suddenly asked.

"um.. i don't think i have an ideal type..? like, it's not that i'll not like the person if they lose this certain factor right?" i said.

"ohh, then among our members,who would you choose? like, if you met six guys like us outside on uh, a blind date, and you had to choose one, who would it possibly be?" he went on.

no- why would he ask this- oh no... i can't give false hope right? or even more, i'm not even allowed to date any of them right?

"um... i don't know..." i said.

"just choose one of us... and give a reason," donghan encouraged. at this point, all six of them were looking at me, waiting for my answer. if i don't give an answer...

"um... i guess uhhh junseo?- just cuz his age is closer to mine. no other reasons," i quickly replied, "i'll go back to my room now since yall are eating well. um yeah see yall later."

with that, i scurried back into my room. phew... that's over... they won't know i actually have feelings for junseo... right?

suddenly, i heard a knock from the door as i opened it. speak of the devil, there stood junseo.

"uh are you looking for me?" i asked.

"does anyone else use your room- who else if not you," he butted back. rude attitude again, but fine, i like it.

"so why are you looking for me?" i asked.

"do you like me?" he asked.

did i just get exposed or is he just asking because of just now?

"um... if it's about just now, i only mentioned your name just for the sake of it, you don't mind right...?" i asked. liar.

"really?" he asked, lowering his head to my eye level and shortening the gap between us.

at this point, his stunning visuals were just making my heart beat faster, way faster than ever, but no. i have a job. i'm not actually here for a blind date with six men, i'm just here to be a manager. and me, the manager, shouldn't get too close to the members.

"y... yeah," i replied, looking away, "if there's nothing else you can get going. rest well for tomorrow, good night." with that, i quickly closed the door on him and ran to my bed.


a.n one of my devices got taken away TT only have my phone which has screen time left... sorry for late updates guys >< will try to update the yohan one asap too

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