junseo pov: 

"it's here though," i said, taking the first aid's box from y/n's bed and shaking it.

"right- so where did you hurt yourself?" she asked. yeah- where DID i hurt myself-

i just stretched my hand in front of her. lol what is she even gonna see on my hand- my veins?-

"can't you just sit here so i can have a better look?" she asked, probably a little annoyed already. but then again, i have to buy time, so i can think of an excuse. WHERE'S THE WOUND-

"no, i'll sit here, unless you can pull me up and drag me there," i said. right, good excuse. there's probably a small chance i'll get scratched or something so.

"okay fine," she said. she held onto my hand and she tried pulling me up multiple times. as soon as her hands touched mine, my heart started beating at an unusual pace. i never felt this way before with anyone...

"three...two...." she counted. what if i pranked her and stood up at one-

"one!" she counted as i stood up. i felt her hand tugging mine as i fell forward. probably pushing her down too, when i opened my eyes, she was under me, looking at me blankly. but since when did people pull before saying a 'go' or something- i didn't expect her pulling me at one-

"y/n ah, i left my phone here just now so i'll come take it, i- oh em gee- NEVERMIND ENJOY YOUR MOMENT I'LL JUST GET IT LATER," i heard daehyeon say as his footsteps got softer and softer.

"the maknaes are making loveeeeee!" i could hear him say from outside as members gasped in shock.

at that moment, y/n quickly pushed me off and regained composure. she sat beside me, just like nothing had happened and asked, "so... where did you hurt yourself?"

me being me as always, i decided to tease her a little.

"are you shy?" i asked, lessening the gap between us as i held her chin.

"n... no," she replied. please- she looks so cute right now-

"sure you aren't- anyway, i wasn't hurt, see you," i said. with that, i stood up and left. funny how i wanted to pat her head but i didn't. i quickly went back into my room as donghan was sitting on his bed, staring at me.

"spill. what. happened. now," he said. 

"nothing much..." i said.

"yeah right. what was daehyeon talking about then," he asked.

"uh- nothing much too-" i replied.

"truth. out. now," he said.

"okay fine-" i replied. and before i knew it, everything that happened just spilled out of my mouth. 

"wow- uh- so you like manager-nim? no wait she told us to just call her y/n. still can't get used to that but yeah," he asked.

"uh... i guess so..? but she kinda reminds me of... my previous girlfriend..." i replied. 

"more tea? spill," he said. 

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