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y/n pov:

after a while, i was finally done cooking.

"yalls food is readyyy!" i said as they all put their phones away.

"one two three four, and two of yours," i said, plastering an evil smile on my face, "taste the food and tell me how it tastes."

"mm it tastes so good!" yohan screamed excitedly.

after hearing that, yongha and junseo took a bite as i saw their facial expressions changing as quick as lightning.

"oh my god- what did you put in here?" yongha asked.

"maybe just a little wasabi..." i said.

"and double the amount of veggies," junseo said rolling his eyes.

"hey hey manners, no rolling eyes. moreover, yall didn't wake up just now, its not my fault," i said.

"hyung do you want some?" yongha asked daehyeon as he shook his head in disgust.

"keep that for yourself wont you," donghan said as he continued eating his food.

"seokhwa hyunggg," junseo said, shaking seokhwa vigorously.

"ya ya ya let me eat in peace-" seokhwa said, having trouble putting the piece of lettuce he was holding into his mouth.

"then help me eattt," junseo said.

"fine fine," seokhwa said, "a little bit only okay."

"okay!" junseo said, pouring his whole bowl in.

"i'm sure i said a bit only..." seokhwa said, looking at his now full plate.

"come hyung will help you eat some," yohan said, taking the whole egg away as seokhwa let out a happy smile.

"how bad can it taste, right?" yohan said, taking a big bite, and his facial expression changed almost immediately, "y/n ah, what's in this egg..."

"uh- some wasabi i guess-" i replied.

"holy moly- y/n how did you even think of that-" yongha asked.

"uh- i just happened to see it in the fridge so..." i said.

"lets just clear our fridge next time... anyway who put the wasabi there-" daehyeon asked.

someone let out a sheepish laugh.

"kim donghan!" daehyeon screamed.

"sorry... i wanted to secretly squish into your mouths when yall were sleeping..." donghan explained.

"what?" they all screamed in unison as i watched in amuse.

"sorry-" donghan said.

"sorry ain't enough. yongha, go," daehyeon said.

he went to the kitchen table and picked up the wasabi bottle.

"open up hyung," yongha said.


squirt. in into his mouth the wasabi went.

"ahhh- spicy spicy- sorry okay i wont do it again ahh water please..." he pleaded. 

seokhwa passed the water to him, earning a smack from daehyeon.

"we were meant to torture him dongsaeng..." daehyeon said. 

"it's fine, he got his taste of wasabi. we can't bear for his voice to go bad, if not there won't be anyone aiding me in vocals," seokhwa said.

"i'm starting to like seokhwa dongsaeng and... go away daehyeon hyung," donghan joked. 

"yalls i hate to spoil this mood but filming's in a while so, get ready everyone okay? we're moving to new dorms if y'all forgot," i said.

a.n sorry,, mass update to repay the lack...

𝕚.𝕥.𝕚.𝕝.𝕦 | 1the9 / wei junseo fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ