y/n pov:

>> time skip till later that day >>

"yall, i gotta leave already, it's kinda late. tomorrow morning i will be coming again though! remember, tomorrow's the filming for oui go up! do your mental preparations okay? stay calm tomorrow and hwaiting! i'll get going okay? it was nice meeting yall!" i said.

"awh bye bye y/n manager-nim," daehyeon said.

"that sounds so formal... just call me y/n," i said.

"we were told to call managers manager-nim..." daehyeon said.

"then just call me y/n, only when the office personnel are here then call me manager-nim okay?" i asked.

"sure," he replied, "have a safe trip home then, see you tomorrow!"

"bye bye!" they all waved in sync as i made my way to the nearest taxi stand.

as i walked to the taxi stand, today's happenings replayed in my head.

they're all kinda nice :) at least there wasn't any unfriendly or stuck up one. oh talking about that, i should do my sufficient checks on the two in 1the9 right?

i took out my phone and typed '1the9' into the search channel.

'1the9, a groups formed through the show 'under nineteen', there are nine members. also pronounced as 'wonder nine'...' blah blah. who were the two members again? yongha and uhh jun... seo?

i searched up 1the9 yongha and... yeah it's the good old yongha... yongha i missed you... no park y/n, you promised not to think about him again! it's all the past, haven't you already moved on?


yongha was my senior in school. we met through an online platform, and got even closer knowing that he was in the same school as me. every day and night, we would talk to each other. i still remember, everyday 5.20pm, we would go online and talk for an hour or so. he would share about his day, i would share about mine. if anything good happened, we celebrated together. if anything bad happened, we empathized with the other. in school though, no one knew we were 'together'. seeing him in school, i would wave to him but he would ignore me. was it because he didn't know how i looked like? either way, i thought it was okay, because our school was famous for circulating rumors, he probably wanted to keep a good record.

when it was my second year, he had just graduated from school.


hey y/n

i think we could meetup
if you liked?

you know,, be a more
legitimate couple

we've been only
talking online and
it feels surreal for

i've graduated from
school already, so my
parents said i'm free
to date

if you're not comfortable
with that it's fine tho

sure let's meetup

date time place?

the nearest café beside
the school? and uh...
tomorrow morning?

is that timing okay with

yeah sure, tomorrow's
a weekend anyway

see you then :)

see you too


xx end of convo xx

i was really excited as i internally screamed. i'd seen him multiple times in school, and gosh he's just like a masterpiece. and now,, i was gonna see him up close? oh my god ahhhhhh i gotta sleep early >< 

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