Chapter 1. Rock the House Down

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I would like to warmly thank my first new patreons for boosting my writing journey and enjoying my content: 💖Kodoro, Courtney, LiveHigh, and Lyanna 💖

And happily welcome my new readers. Please enjoy~

....I can tell that she's green with envy

Everytime you talk or think of me,

Why you even left, no one knows

but hell, that's the path that you chose~

"But hell...that's the path you chose!"

The audience sang the last of the lyrics with us in harmony before erupting into cheers and applause.

"That's right bitches! We are Black Ink! Who out here wants an encore!?" Lily, our lead singer shouted into the microphone.

The crowd screamed and cried back for more and I couldn't help but to be irritated at Lily for asking. I stepped back towards the barstool that had my used cigarette and took a quick hit from it. There goes Princess again, always trying to milk it at every concert we perform at. I thought dryly and rolled my eyes while blowing the smoke up into the crisp night air.

I aligned my hands back along the strings of my bass, my fingers idly plucking the notes to start up our next hit song, "Unzip Me." Before we started, I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. "Shit that's right, I completely forgot that I was supposed to pick up my stupid brother from the library today."

My fingers danced on their own to the memorized beat and the sound of the drums behind me was quickly picking up towards my part. I closed my eyes and zoned out to the music as it grew louder around us and smirked to myself. "Punk's gonna have to wait."


"Thank you Memphis! You were such a great audience!"

A woman let out an unnecessary louder scream than the rest of the crowd and I laughed. Lily has been known for having not only male fans but women would also chase after and fall head over heels for her. I guess I couldn't blame them.

I pulled the guitar strap up over my head and I glanced over to Lily standing in the spotlight, where she was waving at everyone in the small auditorium. Even though she was sporting a black lolita dress, upside crosses for earrings, and lips stained in a dark black lipstick, she was grinning wide in an enchanting smile. Despite her gothic appearance, she acted anything but goth. Her personality was always eccentric and welcoming, like a Kpop fan fell into a goth's closet and couldn't find her way out.

Things finally started to cool down and as security was letting everyone out through the exits, I walked backstage behind the curtains. At first I was eager to grab my things and go, but decided against it and felt like I could relax for a little while. After placing my guitar in its case, I placed it up against the concrete wall and went over to the staff table to sit down in one of the white plastic chairs.

Kicking my feet up on the table, I reclined back and drained the rest of my cigarette before stabbing it underneath the table and flicking it away on the floor.

Shaun, our drummer came in a few minutes later and took the chair in front of me but flipped it around so he could slouch over the back of it. I smiled when I noticed that his entire face except for his black shades was covered in sweat.

"You know Shaun, seeing you out there with those lights on you, I could have easily mistaken you for one of those bright bulbs on stage." I stood up and rubbed his bald head. I regretted it instantly when my hand came back covered in sweat.

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