C3 - Of blanket burritos and normal burritos

Start from the beginning

|Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

The goal is to create shelters for these people to go towards so they have a safe space to go to instead of the streets. We realize that foster care isn't ideal for all minors and for all adults we know not all shelters are as safe. We want to create these spaces.

|| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

Currently, we are finalizing the legal agreements for as many shelters as we can get for opening. Once these centers are open they will not only provide a roof above their head and make sure they are fed, but also provide guidance towards either getting the kid to move back in with their parents or towards a safe environment.

||| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

No kid should be sleeping on the streets, especially not because of who they are. We hope this initiative will help with that. This initiative will from here on out be referred to as the Pepper Potts Foundation.


> Rock @RockTheEnby

This can't come soon enough. I can't live on the streets but I also can't live in this house anymore. Time to start surviving till the opening.
| CEO of SI @PepperPotts

Please DM me


> Not that Michael @MJackson

Are there any confirmed locations? I don't always have internet so I am afraid that I don't know where one will be once they open.

| CEO of SI @PepperPotts

We will be spreading information both digitally and physically. Confirmed locations will be shared as soon as possible. For now though, please DM me

> Brainzzzz @ZomBEE

Are you in need of counselors? My friend group and I are all studying psychology and most of us have a past similar to the one the Pepper Potts Foundation is targeted at. Anywhere we can apply?

| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

Please send your resume to the open solicitation page for Stark industries. In the special notes section please mention the Pepper Potts Foundation.

|| Brainzzzz @ZomBEE

Awesome, thank you. About 5 applications are coming your way!

||| Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

We are looking forward to them.



Hey dude, can I ask you something?


Sure, I've got time. What's up?


Dysphoria is really bringing me down. Got any tips?


Any particular dysphoria? Physical? Mental? Social?


I mean... I can't even go on a run without either wanting to curl into myself from the movement of my chest or possibly damaging my ribs by exercising with a binder on. Gym class is already hell because I have to bind with a size down, but I want to run and feel alive again.

Well, KT tape binding might be a solution. It can damage your skin, but if you only use it once in a while and allow your body to rest between uses, it could have a lot of pros.

I am currently visiting someone in the hospital, so if you want we can meet somewhere after and I'll give you a roll for you to try.


That would be awesome. I'll bring some food for you as a thank you. Any allergies?


Only Peppermint as far as I know. But to be sure check whether something is lethal to spiders.


Huh, you really are part spider. Well, I'll send you an address later today and we can meet on the roof?


Sure thing. Talk to you later!




When Peter was done chatting with Nico, he was just around the corner from where he could see Aunt May. He was kind of optimistic, he was able to help a friend and was going to get some food in return. Food is always nice.

As soon as Peter turned the corner, he wasn't so optimistic anymore. Whooping cough just needed antibiotics for a few days and then they would be alright. What he was seeing was not just some antibiotics. But who knows, maybe Aunt May wasn't infected?

He walked past the individually sealed cubicles to the one May was in. It didn't seem like there was any order in them, they most likely just placed people as they were able to set up cubicles. His aunt was in between two people who looked like absolute hell. Maybe that was what made the contrast big enough for Peter to calm down. Maybe that contrast was a bad thing. He didn't know. He didn't know what to believe. So the best thing to do right now was just talking to May.

He grabbed a chair and sat down in front of her cubicle. "Hey May. How are you doing." He asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. Tell me about your day." She said. She sounded... Tired. She coughed a few times. It didn't ease Peter's mind in the slightest. But he was glad that she was not as bad as her neighbors.

"Well yesterday I ate some pizza from the fast Italian place around the corner, and I was able to get some pizza for breakfast this morning, so that was nice. I also had school but it was pretty boring. Decathlon practice had some good questions but I won't bore you with them because I know it will confuse you so there's that. Oh, I couldn't really sleep yesterday but instead, I designed this like Baymax kind of thing. You remember Baymax right? It's from Big Hero 6, that big fluffy marshmallow. You know the one where the brother dies and you cried? We watched it like maybe two months ago?" Peter rambled.

"Anyway, I currently have the current design and an attempt at blueprints. I also wrote down some functions for the AI because I want to have an AI combined with it, but I am mostly afraid that I won't have enough data to train the AI. But who knows, maybe I can bat my eyes at one of your bosses and they'll send me the anonymized data of patients so I can train the AI." Peter continued and May's smiled lazily. You could see the love radiating from her face.

Peter continued talking about anything and everything. But as he talked May became more and more tired even though it was only late in the afternoon. So he decided to give his aunt some rest. "I think it's time for you to take a nap Aunt May. I need to go hand a friend of mine something anyway which I need to pick up from the medical store here in the hospital. So get some rest, keep me updated and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright Petey, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I think some sleep is indeed needed." She said before yawning. "Goodnight in advance, I larb you."

"I larb you too, Aunt May." Peter said and with that, he left the quarantine area.

He headed over to the medical store to pick up some KT tape. It wasn't very expensive; it wasn't the official brand but just a regular medical tape. It was less than ten dollars and it was worth it for his friend to feel better.

He sent Nico a message, asking if they could meet on the roof in about 15 minutes, which was how long it took for him to change safely and head on over to the roof. Nico messaged back that it was no problem and Peter was on his way.

As Peter was swinging he saw a mugging taking place so he made a detour to stop it. He couldn't exactly let it slide. "You know, threatening someone with a knife isn't really nice. Don't mind if I just..." He said, shooting a web to pull the knife away from the mugger. "YOINK". He caught the knife and pointed it at the mugger who tried to run away.

Spider-Man, however, was able to web him to a wall. "Hello, Miss almost-mugged-lady! If you would be so kind to call the police and explain that this is a mugger? Thank you very much." He said and after a hesitant nod, he waved and swung away.

He disposed of the knife on a roof somewhere, with no rooftop access. He arrived at the roof two minutes later than expected to see Nico already waiting. "Sorry, had to stop a mugging on the way here." He said and Nico's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, that's so cool. Well not cool that it happened but that you are so casual about stopping a mugging. Uhhh so I got you some brownies. And a few homemade goldfish crackers because I made like 3 batches and that was too much for me to store. I also have a burrito with minced meat, cheese, sour cream, some beans.... Yeah, I think that's it." Nico said excitedly and handed over the food. "Oh my god, I am just casually talking to Spider-man. This is so unreal. I just can't believe it."

"You better believe it. Besides, I'm just your normal dude, it just so happens that I know you through my alter-ego, I mean we would probably be friends if we had the opportunity in real life. Honestly, I'm just making completely sure I can trust you because the only people who currently know my identity are my guardian and my best friends. For me, it is weird to make friends as Spider-Man. So uhh yeah." Peter attempted to put his hands in his pockets awkwardly before realizing he was in his suit. So instead he grabbed the tape from his bag and handed it over. "Anyway, I got you this medical tape, I will send you all the tips I found when researching the stuff over discord later. This should be enough to last you a while, I got it from the large hospital across the city, but it's probably also available somewhere closer or online. Uhh yeah. I want to chat but I still need to patrol tonight and I don't want to waste all this food but I want to take my mask off to eat it so I'll send the tips in a second and I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, no problem. Enjoy the food and thank you so much!" Nico responded.

"Anytime!" Peter yelled, swinging away to go eat the food Nico gave him and start patrol as soon as he had dropped his bag off at home.

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