Lost🤴and Found 🚼-2

476 18 7



"Hush Hush....." I rocked it in my hand, trying to stop its cry.
NIBI rolled it's eye, disappearing suddenly.


"CATO you bastard! Where the hell have you been!"

The door burst open revealing my siblings-army.


"A foetus!!!!!!!!!!"

"Who's baby is this?"

"I demand answers!"

^It's absolutely chaotic^

'Nibi you traitor!' I glanced around, but can't find him.

"Who- That little- It's Shouting-its a baby for god's-Hey hey-Im calling mother-"

"SILENCE!" I roared.

"Can't you see the baby crying? Stop your quarrelling."

I placed the baby on my bed, making boundaries using pillows.

"I need a cradle now" the maid bowed, leaving to bring a cradle.

"Brother,where have you been? We're worried!" Juniper commented sarcastically.

"You're injured" Nikita whispered worriedly.

"Hey hey hey ! Who's baby this is?" Laker, Lamoni or Lance who is this! I seriously can't identify the correct triplet.

'I have reached my limit'

'Some of my brothers are pulling the baby from all sides! God!!My patient has dried up.'


My voice cutted the atmosphere like a sharpened blade as everyone stood still.

"Who gave you the permission to enter my chamber? Is this how you behave!"


They obeyed,not before some eye rolls,ugly faces and tchs.

'They do need scoldings in a while'

^How will you face this situation?^

"Here comes the traitor who ran off"

^It's not my business^

"Some help you are" with a knock on the door, three maids came carrying a heavy cradle.

"Some help you are" with a knock on the door, three maids came carrying a heavy cradle

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"It's nice" I dispersed them, picking the baby from my bed.

"This baby is just two or three days old"

^It has a seal on its wrap^

"It looks like some noble or Royal seal" I carefully removed the slash with the seal, examining it.

"But I haven't seen such seal in Brinley Kingdom" I tried hard to remember,but I can't. I'm quite confident with all the seals and symbols of this kingdom.

^It may be from other kingdom or island^

"Nibi, have you seen this seal before?"

It shook it's head.

The baby had dark black hair, with light green eyes which matches my own.

"And...this is a baby boy"

^Black hair is extremely rare though^

"It fell asleep" I placed it gently in the cradle.

"Your Highness,may I come in?"

"Butler Wane, you may enter"
His expression changed from worried to relived and then shocked.

"This baby..."

"I'll tell about it"

"Your Highness this-"

"Call everyone to the inner lotus pond,and ask other workers to give us privacy"

"As your command"


"Your Highness?"

"Arrange for a nanny,a best one."

He nodded, somewhat confused.

~At Inner Lotus pond~

Everyone looked cold, glancing at me and the baby.

"Care to explain what is going on your Highness?" Lady Gracilla Diaz (aka Emperor's lover &3rd consort)
Questioned,as the Emperor directed a piercing gaze towards me.

"L-let me explain...I loved a person..."

Gasps filled the room,as I continued.

"She's a prodigious woman and a succubus slayer. I..I met her on one of my foreign quests" tears filled my eyes,but I tried to smile.

"I.... proposed her and got rejected.She  valued privacy and loved her city too much to leave it back." I chuckled,as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"When the mission was almost over,we got closer and understood each other.
We got married under the stars, according their tradition. When I asked her to come with me,she refused." My lips quivered.

"She took a vow, and to complete it, she's ready to take any risk. She's always been a person to follow her mind. I miss her stubbornness...."
I nestled the baby close to my chest.

"Now she's gone....god knows where; Dead or alive, safe or suffering I don't know a thing"

"The only connection between us is this baby...." I kissed its forehead, looking up at my family with glossy eyes.


"The is MY Baby Boy"

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora