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"The prophesy will be recited in a while"

The head monk bowed, informing the gathered nobles.

"This is a curse! It must be!" Some one in the crowd cried.

"The situation is getting out of hand"
Viscount Zaven uttered, gripping his hood.

"It might be serious.... Only time can tell" the masked person looked at the temple backdoor.

"Only one way to find"

"Let's sneak in the Temple" without waiting,the masked person jumped from the tree, stepping towards the door.


"Let's sneak into the temple" Emerson puffed up his chest.

"Hear hear" Juniper rolled her eyes.

"You really have pea size brain huh?"
Laker punched him.

"Ouch! You Lamoni!"

"I'm Laker you idiot" of course, everyone is confused finding the correct triplet.

Jasmyn snapped,tired of their arguments.

"Will We be seperated?" Ambrose Jerrica hesitated...

"I mean....the Banshee's words about the crown and throne..."

"Will there be war?" Finnegan questioned.

"You need one?" Lance sighed in disbelief.

"Brother has been called to the temple" Nikita whispered cradling the baby in her hand.

"Is that really his baby?"Laker poked it's cheek.

"You'll wake him!" Nikita swatted away his hand.

"Prince Laker,Lamoni,Lance are requested to meet lady Dixie." A maid informed.

"More like an order" Lance growled.

"Now now... we don't wanna keep our mother waiting, would we?" Laker the eldest triplet patted Lance's back.

"Mother?" Lance scoffed. Before he could speak another word,Laker and Lamoni dragged him with them.

"Will they be okay?"
"They'll survive Nikita, They'll survive"

"Emmie has brother Oslo recovered?"
Nikita questioned her maid,who shook her head.

"No one is allowed near second Prince's chamber, not even his mother, your Highness."

"I,his own sister can't even check on him" Jasmyn sighed.

"I'm worried"

"Don't Jerrica, everything will be fine...... it's going to be good...." Nikita comforted.

"Ha...just empty words as always... I'm not even surprised" Juniper waved her fan dramatically.

The door dashed open, revealing Lady Gracilla Diaz
[aka Emperor's lover (3rd consort) and Juniper's mom]

"Could you please take care of Hudson,I have a important meeting to attend" without waiting for a reply,she disappeared behind the door.

"Great.We're officially Babysitting" Jasmyn facepalmed.

"Even I have to agree with it" Juniper nodded.

"Hmm the baby has just...."

"Wait this smell.."

"...... Don't tell me"

"It pooped" Emerson shouted.

"LANGUAGE!" Juniper snapped,not before holding her fan before her nose.

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora