🐔Chaos with Chicken 🐔

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Ajax Cato Brinley's (MC's) POV:

'What is this ominous feeling?' as I entered the Royal Gathering Chamber, I smelled trouble.

"My are you alright Crown Prince?" A red haired lady enquired as she hid her mouth behind her fan.

Yup. This is that smell. Trouble and chaos. I could literally see her fake facade behind that filthy fan.

I put on a caring expression, giving her a calm smile.

"Thankyou very much for your prayers that I have been saved."

"Ah..... Of course, it's thanks to my prayers"she grasped the play pretty quick. I'll end it quick, I have other plans.

"I'm quite thirsty,if you excuse me" I dodged her, speed walking towards the large Dining table.i spotted Nikita Pia along with a green haired girl , chatting.

'But how to approach them? I don't know who that girl is' I picked a glass of beverage, heaven knows what it is and pretended drinking it.

When I was memorizing details about this country and people, I couldn't directly ask about the Royal family members. They'll doubt my behavior for sure. But I heard that 'MY Family' is quite a package.

I looked around to see a lot of people, with unique looks and features, filling up the room.

'Isn't this supposed to be a family dinner?why the heck there are more than twenty people!'

'I feel like someone is watching me'

I turned to see a Silver haired girl observing me without batting an eye.

'Am I That hot? I don't know'

I bought the drink close to my nose , only to keep it back immediately.

'It smells gross'

That girl started walking towards me.

'O God o God o God ! Did I act out of character!Eh! Why is she smirking evilly'

I turned my back casually, trying to get someone to talk to.

'Ah the announcer! '

"Mr Slater!"he turned on his heels, hiding behind the door.

'Oi! You wanna hide now? Let's see'

I moved towards the door slowly, without making a noise.

When I tried to catch him , the trumpets trumpeted, revealing a tall man along with my mother.

I'm dead meat.

There's only one who could accompany my mother to THIS dinner.

The Emperor.

My raised hands were frozen midway on air. The silence is killing me.My current position is the peak of awkwardness.


I wanna scream. Mother's eyes were wide with shocking expression.

'Think Darika Think,or this is your last day' (Note MC's real name)

I hugged my mother, forcefully seperating her from the emperor.I clasped her hand in mine looking straight into her eyes.

"You look Gorgeous mother.No one's as stunning as you" I declared loudly.

'God kill me now this.is.not.cool.'

"I'm envious of you being escorted by others except me" I hugged her again

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें