Lost🤴and Found🚼

492 19 3

"Could you take me home?"

"By home you mean the Royal palace?" A skeleton with six fingers,rotated it's head anticlockwise.

"Yes..........I don't want other nobles to find me............gosh! I'm more afraid of nobles than Nanuaes."

^what do we get by helping you?^ The ghost whistled.

'Of course,nothing comes free'

^True that^

'Could you like give me some privacy? Stop reading my mind!'

^Whatever.Decide quick^

"Just accept. It's not like you have any other way" a skeleton pointed at my wounded leg.

"Fine.I accept."

"We just have one condition" They nodded their head in unison;Agreeing with each other.

"Give us protection"


"Finally" I took a deep breath, trying to enter my chamber, secretly ofcourse.

I came across nearly millions of missing posters with the reward of my hand in marriage. As if I would get myself caught. Over.my.dead. body.

'Sometimes I think I'm still a girl...... like god! It's not easy to be a prince and a crown Prince in that! *Sigh* now I understand the difficulties of royalty.'

"Twenty eight guards in the southern chamber,forty eight at the main door,so before my chamber must be thirtee-"

"Thirty seven....o my Zooterkins!"

"Did you hear a voice?" Two maids looked around nervously.

"I think so.......but whom's?"

'Holy!..... I am stupid' I covered my mouth, rolling down the floor from one pillar to another.

"What is that!"

"Is that a beast?"

"I just saw something movin' behind the pillar!"



^More like *hit^


^Dont call me that....call me Nibi^

'Oo is that your name?'

^Focus on the situation will you?^

'Can't you lure them away using your ghostliness?'

^You want me captured by some saint, don't you?see I won't expose myself^



The footsteps of soldiers echoed as I racked my brain to find a way.

'Is that Viscount Zaven?'

A tall man in his 80s,with sharp eyes and rigid body,walked briskly along the corridors.

Viscount Johnstone Reece Zaven- the only Neutral party among the nobles.The words which I once memorized popped up.

The words which I once memorized popped up

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Don't tell me you're going to do that^

Ofcourse I'm doing 'that'

^This won't go well^

'If you say like that...........then it will be perfect!'



"Your Highness?" His eyes widened.

When he stepped towards me, those annoying soldiers surrounded him, telling about the previous incident.

I peeked from the pillar, signalling him not to inform my presence.

'Only if my leg wasn't injured, I would've made a run to my chamber.'

^As if^

"Shut up!"

"Pardon..your Highness"

'O my gummy bears I spoke out again!'

"I...was just fighting my inner self"

^You sound bull*hit^

'Mind your words Nibi! I hate vulgar words'

"Everyone was searching you your Highness.. you must meet the Emperor now"

"But the Emperor might be with the nobles and I'm not ready for catfights to claim me as their son-in-law"

He sighed.

"I am not asking much, please Viscount Zaven,help me get back to my chamber secretly"

"Will do."
With Viscount Zaven's assistance,I reached my chamber, limping.

"Should I call the physician?"

"No need your grace.Thank you for your help. I would like it if you keep this a secret."

"Fine your Highness, take care."

'Isn't he going to ask for anything else?'

^I couldn't read his mind, unfortunately^

I plopped on my bed, throwing my boots on the floor.

I plopped on my bed, throwing my boots on the floor

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"This is relaxing...."
The calm blue room relaxed my nerves and eyes.

'NIBI can you hear what I'm hearing?'

^It sounds like a cry^

"Where is it from?"

I got off my bed, trying to track the sound.

"It's coming from the garden behind?"

'But who can enter there? It's my
personal garden'

"Nibi could you.."

^I know,I'll go look^

Nibi flew into the garden, returning with a bundle.

"What is this?"

"What is this?"

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I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now