⚡Visit of Wives-to-be -1⚡

195 13 4

Trigger warning ⚠️:

I woke up in the golden bedsheets surrounded by eerie black candles.
The darkness filled the room letting the dim candle sparks the only source of light.

'Not again' I groaned in my mind trying to get up, but something pressed on my legs.

"Welcome back my deer" a blood curdling voice came behind the screen.

I shivered, remembering the previous nightmares I had after coming to this world.. It called itself the 'voice of hell'

"Why are you doing this?" My voice sounded too weak.

It's unsettling grin gave me goosebumps.

"Now now my deer do you think you are living in a fantasy,hmm?"

It's violet nails raised my chin.

I quickly shut my eyes,not ready to look into it's scarlet eyes.

It giggled,forcing me to open my eyes with it's sudden laughter.

"You are nothing but a dog in a dragon's body" it suddenly pushed me down on the floor which is wet.


The floor was covered in blood

I clasped the bedsheets to support myself up,leaving scarlet handprints on the golden sheets in process.

I quietly stared at it's familiar vanilla blonde hair that cascaded down it's back.

It stood facing the moon, it's back to my sight.

'What if I attack it now? No, it is impossible to cause any damage to it now .... otherwise it won't let it's guard down.'

"You're quite smart for a mortal"

"That's rich coming from you, Immortal" I spat.

It grabbed me by my neck, lifting me off my feet.

I grasped for air,as it stuffed weird bugs in my mouth.

Tears trickled down my eyes,as the bugs crawled in my mouth.

It felt disgusting as I wished I was dead.

I felt weak and pathetic.

"Remember I own you... don't try to do witless works"

It slammed me on the bed, grabbing my hair in process.

Why am I always going through hell? What did I do to deserve this? Why am I in my original body in these nightmares?

Several questions circled my mind as i felt nauseous and pain..

"Keuhgg hurkk.."

And then, I blacked out.

Butler Wane's POV:

His Highness has been deep asleep from the moment we reached the castle. He was nervous when he talked to Lady Sheldon, I hope it's not anything serious...

I tried to wake him up but he didn't budge.

"Your Highness?"

His hands are as cold as ice.

When I took a closer look,he was sweating, his eyebrows knitted and his face pale.

'Is he having a nightmare? Should I wake him by force?'

The crown prince's soon to be brides are visiting the castle today. So his Highness must get ready to recieve them.

"Your Highness!" I shook him.

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now