"And what of the Seven Monsters?" asked Zoisite. "What became of them?"

"They lost their memory of what they once were and have been reborn as humans," said Malachite solemnly.

"I see..." said Zoisite thoughtfully. "So if we remove these Rainbow Crystals from the reincarnated humans, will those crystals lead us to the Silver Crystal?"

"Correct," smiled Queen Beryl. "And what's even better is that those who have their crystals removed will immediately reincarnate to what they once were."

Queen Beryl then held out her hand over her wand, and it began to glow white. Something came out of it, and it flung right at Zoisite, causing the young man to catch it in his hand. It was the Dark Crystal. The same Dark Crystal that Nephrite had previously owned before Zoisite had taken it.

"I've modified The Dark Crystal to react only to the Rainbow Crystals," Queen Beryl explained to Zoisite. "Use it well, Zoisite."

"Thank you, my queen," smiled Zoisite.

He then held out his hand outwards, making the Dark Crystal levitate and spin. Finally, the crystal stopped spinning, and its tip began to glow and a strange vortex shot out from it, revealing an image of a boy. He was young, wore a white t-shirt with an orange jacket on top, glasses, and a blue baseball cap backward.


Usagi and Harusuke were walking outside in the courtyard at school, hoping to enjoy their lunch period. Usagi was humming a merry tune as she skipped along.

"Lunchtime! Lunchtime! My stomach's growling like a big old bear!" she sang.

"Well, that's original," chuckled Harusuke. "You should be a songwriter Usagi."

Then as they rounded a tree, Usagi stopped and gasped, causing Harusuke to stop too.

"Usagi? What is it?" he asked.

"Harusuke, look!" Usagi said pointing.

Harusuke looked, and sure enough, by the bush was the girl that helped Harusuke and Usagi earlier this morning, sitting all by herself eating her lunch.

"Hey! It's that girl with the rose earrings!" he murmured.

"I know, but what's she doing here?" wondered Usagi.

As the two looked back at the girl, Umino suddenly appeared from out of nowhere.

"Hey there, you guys! Whatcha doing?" he asked.

Usagi and Harusuke screamed a little, feeling startled, and the two immediately grabbed Umino by the collar, ready to tear him a new one.

"What is the matter with you, Umino?!" Harusuke spoke crossly.

"Yeah! Don't scare us like that!" Usagi added angrily.

"Calm down, you two. I only came here to tell you about that girl you're both watching," said Umino. "She's a transfer student who just joined Class 6 today. Her name is Makoto Kino. She's powerful, and word on the street was that she got kicked out of her old school for fighting, so if I were you two, I'd keep my distance. If you're not careful, she might-"

Then when Umino looked back at the Tsukino siblings, Harusuke was still standing there listening, but Usagi had mysteriously disappeared.

"What the-! Where'd Usagi go?!" asked Umino.

"She's over there," replied Harusuke pointing to the bush where Makoto was.

Umino looked and was horrified to see Usagi tip-toeing towards her.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now