"I'll say," agreed Harusuke.

"We have to tell Naru that Masato Sanjoin is Nephrite before it's too late," said Rei.

"But... shouldn't we wait and see if it becomes a problem?" asked Ami.

"I don't think so," said Usagi. "Knowing Naru's feelings, it's not going to be that easy. Not to mention, she feels so strongly about him. So she may not believe what we tell her."

"Well, unless we do tell her, we won't know what she'll think unless we try!" snapped Rei.

"Take it easy, Rei," chided Harusuke. "You turning to a hot-head on us isn't gonna help."

"What do you think, Usagi?" asked Ami. "What should we do?"

"Me? Well, we should tell her," Usagi spoke hesitantly. "But..."

"Come on! Make up your mind!" Luna barked. "What are we going to do?!"

Usagi then shook her head, shaking all the cobwebs of uncertainty from her mind. "Don't worry! Just leave Naru to me!" she said. "I'm sure I'll think of something! Just let me handle this!"

She then puffed out her chest, smacking her hand right on top of it. However, she hit her chest so hard; she accidentally knocked the wind out of her causing her to cough a fit. Ami, Rei, Harusuke, and Luna could only watch the blonde with doubtful looks on their faces.

"When Usagi says she's in charge of anything, that's when it's time to worry," she groaned.

"Well... one thing's for sure," said Harusuke. "We have to handle this problem delicately and quickly. Naru's already been taken advantage of by Nephrite twice now. So we have to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Otherwise, Naru will be in serious trouble as we know it."


In the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl was livid with rage. She was so cross that large amounts of energy began erupting from her staff like it was lightning. Her subjects cowered in fear, not daring to come any closer to her.

"Where is Nephrite?!" she demanded in anger. "No matter how many times I summon for him, he refuses to show up! I've had it with this nonsense!" She then clenched her fist in anger, almost enough to draw blood. "That's it, Nephrite! You better watch yourself because a dead man!"

Not too far away and the only one who wasn't the bit fazed by Queen Beryl's angry state, Zoisite was watching from above and couldn't be happier by this.

"Looks like Nephrite's luck has finally run out," he thought to himself, chuckling. "Poor thing. His future's practically hanging by a thread."


Meanwhile, in his abandoned mansion in the woodlands, Nephrite stood alone strategizing his next plan.

"I no longer have the luxury of gathering energy anymore," he thought to himself. "It's a pity, but I have no other choice. I must obtain that item. And for me to do that, I must relinquish the celestial globe."

Then the sound of laughter echoed in the room. Nephrite looked upwards and saw Zoisite floating above him.

"You again, Zoisite?" he growled. "What do you want?"

"Now, now. That's a rude way to welcome someone with news for you, Nephrite," said Zoisite coolly. "Queen Beryl has been looking for you, and she is quite furious as well."

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now