Grow Up - Stray Kids

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-1st grade-

All of us kids had all ran outside after the bell for recess rang. "Y/N, you wanna go play volleyball?" I nodded my head and all 7 of us stood around in a circle, passing the ball to each other.

After playing for 45 minutes, the bell rang again. "Water break, then lunch!" the teacher yelled. I picked up my hoodie and walked to the fountains. As I was waiting in line, Hyunjin tapped my shoulder. I turned around and he started smiling. I had known him since we met at a garden and became best friends, but now he seemed...shy almost.

"Y/N?" he said.

"Yea?"  I took a sip of water after the girl in front of me took hers. I began walking to the hall to the cafeteria. He stayed quiet the walk there.

"I'm waiting." I said as I sat down.
"Will you...marry me?"
"Why didn't you just say that... of course Jinnie!" I said and smiled. He smiled back at me and towards the end of the lunch break, he kissed me. That's right, my first kiss was Hwang Hyunjin.

-Right after HS graduation-

"Bye Y/N, I hope I'll see you soon." Tears began to slowly roll down my face as Hyunjin hugged me. He pulled away and wiped my tears. I know this is supposed to be emotional n shit but it made my heart flutter. My "husband" opened the door to his taxi and smiled. He took my hand and sat in the car. "I love you Y/N, I really do." And with that, he dropped my hand and closed the door. The taxi drove off and looking at it go brought back all those memories. As it drove out of sight, I went back inside and closed my door, sliding my back down the door 'til I hit the floor and started crying.


-2 years later-

"Yang Y/N?"
"He's ready."
"Thank you." I said while walking to the door at the end of the hallway. "I'm JYP, we talked over the phone." the man said and shook my hand.
"I remember sir, did you get my resume?" I said while sitting in the black leather chair. "We'll be contacting you."
"Thank you." I left the room, taking the elevator back down to the parking garage and driving home.

As I sat on my gray sofa, I heard a knock on my door. It was Jennie, Jisoo, Rose and Lisa. "We're going out, you have 15 minutes to get ready or we're leaving you." They walked in and I closed the door before running upstairs.

The 5 of us sat down and started talking. After about 30 min and a couple drinks, I went up to the counter to order more drinks when a voice stopped me. "Y/N?" I stood still. It was a familiar sounding voice, one I had not heard in 2 years. I turned around, hoping to see the man I had missed oh so dearly.
"WIFEY!" he exclaimed and I jumped up to hug him. We started catching up, when work moved into conversation. "I work at JYP now." he paused, looked me up and down and said, "Do you listen to Stray Kids?" I nodded. "Are you a fan or do you just like the music." I stood there, why is he asking me about men? "I just listen to them, I'm not a fan or anything big like that." He put his hand on my shoulder and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I'm a member."

"No you're not." He looked at me, smiling. I took out my phone and googled it. 'Members of Stray Kids.' which came up with 'Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin and I.N.' I clicked on 'Hyunjin' and there he was, the man I've known my whole life. I looked at him, and he smiled. "Told you so." he said before Jennie yelled my name from across the room. I said bye to Hyunjin and went back to the girls.

"Who was that guy?" They asked. I explained what had just happened and the girls eyes widened. "You know Hyunjin?" I nodded. They took a sip of their waters and continued talking about other things.


I got home and took a shower. I dried my hair with the rag and walked over to my computer. An email from JYPE popped up. It basically said something like "Hello Y/N, this is JYP. I'm pleased to inform you, you've been selected as assistant manager for Stray Kids. Please thank Hwang Hyunjin, he put in a good word." or something, I don't really know. Too many big words and I'm too tired, but I did thank Hyunjin.


Hyunjin POV:

(hours b4)

"No Felix, I don't want to come to you're aunt's mailman's cousin's wife's brother's birthday party."

"Why not?"

"Because, I honestly don't have time to and I don't know these people. Besides, I have a date tonight."

"Oh lala, ok..have fun!" Felix said and then hung up. I shook my head and put my phone down.


I went up to the counter and ordered a soda, since the girl I was waiting for stood me up. While I was waiting for my drink, I looked over at the girl ordering drinks. 

"Y/N?" I ran up and hugged my childhood best friend. We caught up, since I hadn't seen her since I left to become a trainee. We rarely talked since then since I was so busy as a trainee and she was working a lot. She apparently applied at JYPE, not even knowing I worked there.

Later that night, I received got a text from Y/N. She thanked me for putting in a  good word. I replied and turned off my lamp before falling asleep.

This is the first part of the revised version. I decided to edit my entire book so unfortunately it will be on pause but I'm still writing the next chapter. My other book: Record | Kim Taehyung X Reader has very slow updates because this one here is my main focus. 

jus edited this part bc wtf was i on 🧍‍♂️

Fun fact: Record was inspired by a One Shot idea I had bc it didn't fit the storyline for Boba

I post updates frequently on my "Conversations" tab so please check there if you have any questions cuz it's prob explained there.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments, I'm pretty active on here so I'll respond quite soon.


-Rui <3

PS: the image was completely necessary, every stay needs to see it at least once in their life. 

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