"Victors father was... fuck" Adrian says dropping his head back against the head rest.

"His father was what?" I pry, waiting for him to look at me.

"His father is the reason behind all of this, Victor's dad was the person who ran into my parents the night they died" Adrian finishes saying before his eyes prick with tears. Adrian almost never cries ever and it breaks me because it's hard to make him cry, yet here he was tears beginning to travel down his face before dropping into his lap.

Seeing this I made the only decision that made sense I pulled over on the side of the road before getting out, and walking around the vehicle before opening the passenger door before getting in on Adrian's side of the SUV and wrapped my arms around him while he cried into my shoulder. His sobs drowning in the fabric as we held the other.

No matter how badly the whole world convinced itself that Adrian was cold and ruthless that was only one piece of the picture underneath all that he showed the vast majority of the world he was still the same person who lost his parents just before his fourteenth birthday, and then never had a damn thing but people use him come out of it for the next three years until for some reason we met each other, and in his words was given a second chance.

When he eventually pulled his face away cheeks stained by tears

"Victor wanted to finish what his father started ten years ago, since I am the last member of the Winters family besides Kate, and well one day you".

"But why what did your family ever do to him".

"He blames me for putting his dad in jail, even though I had no part in it so he enacted revenge of some sort by targetting me then he started going after you, because of the event years ago when Demetri, Sebastian, and Ryder all kidnapped you" Adrian says somehow managing to braid pieces of my hair with just one hand.

"Don't remind me of those four days" I say.

"Sorry" he says.

"About bringing up that night you don't have to" I reassure but he shakes his head.

"No, for being so quiet" Adrian muses, "usually I talk to you, but I didn't say a word to you since barging into your office two hours ago".

"You just told me what was on your mind though" I point out, and he nods.

"We should probably go to wherever you wanted to take me though" he says sliding his hands down my back to my waist.

"Right here seems good, don't you think?" I say looking around, "there's peace, and quiet, we're surroundes by nature, what else could you ask for?".

"So many things Olivia, many of them involving you".

"Like?" I ask leaning forward while smiling against my spare arm.

"You to forever stay with me".

"Where else would I go?".

"Just I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve you?".

"The person who you don't think you deserve is the person you should have" I say, and I watch him smile lightly before laughing.

"That's sure true in my case, anyone in New York, and you fall in love with the depressed billionaire, ex gang leader" he laughs.

"I fell in love with the devil and I have no regrets, because you're mine".

"Where else could I possibly go bellissima, when all I need is in front of me".

For the first time in years I blush harshly to the point I look down and he slowly lifts my chin so he could see me.

"No hiding" he says softly smiling at me. "Besides your blush is cute".

"Don't make me a cherry" I groan.

"You're the one who chose to sit in my lap, it was a perfect compliment giving opportunity".

"Shut up" I say sliding over the arm rest back into the driver seat, before putting the car back in drive and heading off towards the meadow.

Ten minutes later I pulled into the parking lot, and got out of the car.

Adrian then got out pulling the pea coat he wore together to button it before following me.

"So where exactly are we going?" Adrian asks looking down at me.

"We're going to that field we went to in Senior year" I say reaching over and taking his hand.

"Then it sounds like we have a bit of a walk to go on" he says as we continue to walk down the path towards the meadow.
Todays chapter everyone, its semi long though my definition of long is over two thousand words so, also comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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