The beginning of August arrived almost to soon. Alice finally told me that I didn't need to come anymore until the day or so before the wedding.

After that, the days leading up to the wedding were slower for me.

Mom showed up two days before the wedding, and she stayed in our guest room downstairs. It was very strange, having her in Forks. She hadn't ever visited me since I had moved in with Dad. But, of course, she only had time for everything Bella.

I picked out the dress that I was going to wear and helped Jacob pick out his clothes. He was coming, both as my plus one, and as a bodyguard as Edward and Carlisle had informed us that they were having some bloodsucking relatives come down for the wedding. Of course they promised to not hurt anyone, but the pack didn't trust them.

The pack wasn't friends with the Cullens, but they weren't outright enemies either. They were tentative allies instead. But they didn't trust any other vamps for one second.

During the last two weeks of August, Jacob and I hung out a lot and went on a few actual dates. I was getting quieter as the wedding approached, and so Jacob did his best to cheer me up.

He did so one day by swinging by my house with his motorcycle, dressed in a tank top, shorts, runners, and a big grin. We drove off, and I rested my forehead on Jacob's back and sighed happily. This is what life should be like.

Not long later Jacob pulled up at a playground park area. He helped me off the bike as my foot was almost healed, but not quite. I didn't need crutches anymore, but I still limped. Fortunately my dizziness had gone completely away, but sometimes bright light bothered me.

I laughed in confusion. "What're we doing here?"

Jacob grinned like an excited puppy. "We are going to play on the playground. It'll be fun."

He ran to the empty playground and started doing chin-ups on the monkey bars. I rolled my eyes at him and walk over and carefully climbed the ladder to the slide and slid down.

He was right. It was fun. Fun to goof off with not a care in the world. And so we played like the overgrown children we were. My shrieks of laughter and Jacob's deeper chuckles filled the air.

We did everything, the monkey bars, the slides the mini climbing wall, the spiderweb thing, the merry go round. At one point Jacob spun me so hard that when I stopped I fell over and couldn't stop laughing. As we stumbled around we ended up on the swings and swung for a while. Or we would have if a grumpy old lady hadn't come and scolded us for being there.

I had just sat down one the swings and closed my eyes when the sound of footsteps approaching made me open them again.

"I'm going to have to ask you people to leave." Said a tight lipped lady. Jacob and I stared at her in surprise.

Jacob frowned. "I thought this was a public playground and park?"

The lady's frown deepened. "My grandkids want to play here and you two are disrupting that. This playground is for children not adults."

I sighed. "Okay, don't worry, we'll go. We were about done anyway."

The lady looked at me in what I would almost call concern, but it disappeared. "Good. And remember next time that this is for kids."

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